Nice buns

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Prompt request Bellamagic22: Tom and his girlfriend are getting ready for an event Chris Evans, who is in the same hotel stops by to check in on them. Tom comes out in only a towel embarrassed. His girlfriend removes the towel and she and Chris take the time to praise Toms body.


Summary: You and Tom are getting ready in your hotel room for tonight's charity event. As you begin putting on your makeup Chris Evans stops by to check in on you both. Although he wasn't expecting to see Hiddlesbum.


You sat at the vanity as you tipped your makeup bag out onto it and then you spread it all out in front of you. You didn't wear makeup often, but when you did there was always a reason behind it, just like there's one tonight. Tonight was a very important charity event and you wanted to look your best, especially because you knew they'd be photographers and reporters covering the event. Your appearance in their eyes makes you feel anxious about looking imperfect in their world. Despite the continued love and support of your boyfriend Tom Hiddleston everyone else's opinions still bothered you. Even though he fell for you whilst being makeup free, makeup simply didn't matter to him if you wore it or not.

As you sort through your assortment of lipsticks, eyeshadows and other items you hum absentmindedly to the music blears out of the bluetooth speaker, also you can still faintly hear Tom in the bathroom. You could hear faint sounds of him preparing for his shower, before the sound of the water being turned on.

Suddenly you hear a loud knock at your hotel room door through the open bedroom door, the sound forcing you to put down your foundation brush, and forcing you to answer the door. You then walked out of the bedroom still barefoot along the plush carpet and across the lavish living room towards the main door. Upon opening the door you find Chris Evans standing on the other side in his suit and white t shirt under the blazer. He always did prefer comfort even during big events like this one.

"Hey, wow you look amazing...I just wanted to come check in on you both." Chris said with a cute smile. You knew if you weren't with Tom you'd definitely be dating Chris. He was always sweet with you, checking up on you and generally being a great friend.

"Awh, thank you sweetie! Come on in." You motion with your hand and step aside for him. "We're good thank you and as you can tell, not quite ready yet." Chris followed you over to the sofa once the door was closed. "Please sit." You add.

Instead of you returning to the bedroom to finish getting ready you end up sitting next to Chris on the sofa. The two of you talking and laughing away. His legs spread out a little as he sat sideways so he could face you and his hands clasped together. Whilst you tucked your legs underneath yourself, and one elbow up on the back of the sofa, as you rested your cheek against your hand. Both of you two were too preoccupied with the flowing conversation to notice the shower had turned off and as the music was still playing it was difficult to hear anything else anyway. Nor could Tom hear the fact that company was present as he vacated the bathroom then began rummaging for the last items of clothing for the evening.

"Darling, have you seen my tie?" Tom asked, as he came out into the living room. He was still wet from the shower and only a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. Silence filled the room and instantly upon him seeing Chris look in his direction his cheeks redden a little.

"Tommy, Chris came to check in on us." You say, as you join Tom and wrap your arm around his.

"Oh right, for my appearance." Tom replied sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey, no worries!" Chris rose up and held up his hands showing that no offense was made by his almost completely naked appearance. "Besides, I should get going. Leave you both to it." He rushes to say, and Tom turns to head back into the bedroom, but you stop him for a second.

"Nonsense, please stay! We won't be long." You insist and start to walk back with Tom into the bedroom. However neither of you got far as Tom's towel becomes too loose and begins to fall. He just about managed to catch it but his bum is still exposed.

"Nice buns Hiddleston!" Chris teases.

"Oh I assure you Chris, he has a lot more going for him other than just nice buns." You cheekily reply over your shoulder with a little wink. Chris then slumps back down on the sofa in a fit of giggles. His arms cross over his chest as he's known to do, and his head titles back, as he overhears Tom telling you off in hushed tones.

Once inside the bedroom and the door now closed you lean against it as Tom fusses over his towel. You find him so cute when he's embarrassed. After you push yourself off the door you can't resist wrapping your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you, and your hands wander down to his bum. Squeezing his dilatable behind as he playfully rolls his eyes at you. His cheeks are still red.

"Y/N, you'll pay for that." He chuckles.

"Promise?" You ask, as you roll your hips against his, and Tom hums approvingly as he nuzzles against your jawline.

"Don't tempt me more than I already am." He whispers.

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