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A/N: I made some little changes to the order of certain parts of this request, but I didn't include the fixed part of the request, which I hope is alright. I merely couldn't get it to sound right even after a few rewrites. Other than that it's all there. Also thank you to Anonymous for this Laing prompt, I haven't written much about him yet, so it was a good one in the mix of requests.

Edit: Also, also, I went back to this and changed some things as there were some details that bothered me.

I hope you all enjoy x

(Reminder the short October 2023 prompt requests run has finished and prompts are now closed. I'm currently just finishing the last of the prompts)

Prompt requested by Anonymous on Tumblr: Hope you are well and enjoying autumn. I got this idea from High Rise and Lord of the Flies and some of your previous work.

During the crisis, Robert stumbles on a dirty boy scrounging for food who tries to rob him. Robert vows to domesticate him and spanks him. He gets him into a bath. When the boy bites him, Robert gives him a long spanking in the tub. He fixes the boy and they escape.

Summary: Laing had been at one of the local nightclubs, but as it had been a total washout he left alone. During the walk home he encounters a homeless young man rummaging around for food. However the young attempted to rob Laing, unfortunately he was unsuccessful, getting himself caught and taken home with Laing to be domesticated.


Laing retrieved his lighter and pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket as soon as he left the nightclub. Taking one of the nicotine sticks out of the packet, placing it between his thin lips, before pocketing the rest away again. Proceeding to cup his left hand around the top of the lighter to protect the flame from the breeze passing through the air. Once he lit his cigarette he inhaled the first drag of the addictive spell of the cigarette, before exhaling out a cloud of smoke that got carried away with the breeze.

It's one of those rare nights he's gone out. He doesn't leave the High-rise much if it's not work related. He has no need to really, as the building has everything anyone could possibly want, or need to live. Although on those rare occasions he has gone out it's to seek the company of strangers, particularly when the other High-rise residents became that unbearable to be around again, just like tonight.

The nightclub had unfortunately become a complete wash out this time, leaving him in a sour mood, due to the people having failed to hold any interest for him. Usually when he saw someone he'd end up dancing with them, as he didn't shy away from showing off his moves, showing them a good time was key to him and staying until the club closed. This night he was one of those boring souls drinking at the bar and people watching to pass the time. He might have had a few whiskies, but far from being drunk, seeing as by now it had gotten quiet late he decided to ditch the place before closing time. So with another puff of his cigarette he began to walk back home. The streets he walked along are lit with the lamp posts and closed store neon signs. Except the only places that appear to be open are the twenty-four pharmacy, a late night corner store, and one local bar. One that looked close to closing for the night as most of the patrons were gone and those who are left are the last drunken souls having their final rounds.

After a while of walking and Laing's cigarette nearing its end he hears some clanging and rummaging noises. It was relatively quiet out besides the humming of the lamp posts and distant voices of people leaving the bar he walked past moments ago. Curiosity piqued his interest. Although in his mind he chalked it up to be nothing more than some kind of animal probably searching through the rubbish bins down the alley. Despite that thought he decided to stub out the end of his cigarette under his shoe and take a look. As soon as Laing made his way to the entrance of the alleyway and took a look down it he saw a young man rummaging through the bins. The young man was clearly too busy and he hadn't heard him as he slowly approached the young man.

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