Play day

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A/N: Thank you to this person who sent me this prompt on a private messaged me on here and they wish to remain anonymous. We had a bit of a chat as I had an idea ages ago about Tom and X reader with their dogs. So we ended up combining the ideas together. Also thank you anonymous for waiting patiently like the last few who have had to wait for me to write their prompts.

Plus I just use X reader all the time when I'm writing, even if it's female based in the story as I normally do write for female readers, as you may notice I don't specify when it is female readers. I only specify if I am not just writing for a female reader, just in case anyone was wondering. So like in this case the reader is gender neutral for this prompt.

And this is now the final out of the last batch of prompts. To keep updated about prompts keep checking the bio for this collection/my profile to let you know when I am taking prompt requests again.

Enjoy 😊


Prompt request by Anonymous: Hi could ya do a fluff piece of Tom and xreader were they meet on Tom's run or walking Bobby please!

Summary: You end up meeting Tom and Bobby Hiddleston whilst out walking your dog at the local park and end up spending the afternoon together.


Tom and his fluffy companion Bobby were strolling along the footpath towards their favourite spot in their local park. As they were walking Bobby was approached by a Border Collie without its lead on. Tom smiles as the other pooch and Bobby begin to introduce themselves. Sniffing and playfully showing interest in each other. Tom also bent down to pet and scratched the behind the Border Collie's ear to introduce himself too. Just as he held the Border Collie's tag in the palm of his hand to read the name he heard footsteps approaching.

"Hi...don't mind him, he's just a big friendly goofball." You chuckled as you approached the man petting your dog, but then as the man stood up straight you were taken aback. Even though he was wearing a Nike cap which hid his soft reddish-blonde curls there was no mistaking that smile.

"Hi, my name is Tom. It's a pleasure to meet you." Tom says warmly as he holds his hand out to you.

"Yeah, I know. Big fan." You say as you firmly shake hands. "My name is (Y/N)." You added with a smile of admiration as Tom is one of your all time favourite actors.

"I've never seen you around here before, are you new to the area?" Tom asks with genuine curiosity.

"Yes actually, just a couple of weeks ago. We used to live in Southampton and a couple of places before that. So we move around quite a often really." You replied as the pair of you began to walk together. Your dog Oreo the Border Collie follows loyally beside you without his lead.

Whilst walking along the footpath together yourself and Tom seemingly were getting along well. Even though he didn't offer you any kind of invitation for you to join him and Bobby, it just ended up naturally happening, almost like you'd been friends for years. The conversation you were having too also suggested as much, despite how nervous you first felt when you realised it was actually Tom, he was just so sweet and easy to talk to. He made it a comfortable and friendly environment. He was exactly how everyone described him to be like.

After arriving at Tom and Bobby's favourite spot Tom took Bobby's lead off. That's when Oreo and Bobby began excitedly chasing each other around on the grass. Seeing them become friends so quickly was a joy to witness and brought smiles to your's and Tom's face again. Of course when tennis balls were later added into the mix, well all hell broke loose between the dogs. Neither of them could quite decide on which one they wanted the most when two were being thrown. Besides, they looked exactly the same so it didn't really matter, as long as they were running around enjoying themselves.

"Would it be weird if I asked you...if you'd like to make this a regular thing? Like for us to meet up once a week with our dogs?" You asked much later, while nervously biting your lower lip with your eyes looking at him hopefully.

"No, not all weird. I've enjoyed your company, Y/N and I think it would be devastating to them if they didn't get to spend more time together." Tom says again with that famous smile and you could hear how much he meant his words. Besides he hadn't shown any signs of not wanting to form any kind of friendship, especially by this point it had become a wonderful afternoon just the two of you and your dogs.

"Great, it can be a play day for them and we can talk!" You say enthusiastically and Tom too was happy with the arrangement too.

Before you two parted ways with your dogs you exchanged numbers with Tom, so you could go over the details of which day would be the day you'd meet, play day for the dogs and a day to catch up with each other. In fact after you parted ways it felt so surreal and you had to pinch yourself to make sure you were awake.

"Nope, I'm awake! I really just met Tom and Bobby Hiddleston today." You muttered to yourself on your way home with a huge grin on your face.

Tom Hiddleston one shot/drabble collectionWhere stories live. Discover now