The affair

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Prompt requested by MTR222: Can you write Tom having an affair please?

A/N: Thank you to MTR222 for being so patient and understanding whilst waiting for me to write your prompt. Sorry it took so long, but I hope it doesn't disappoint, and thank you for helping me work through some details for the prompt.

Also prompts haven't been reopened yet. This one was actually requested last year before the temporary closure, however I will let you know when prompt requests are to be reopened soon.


Summary: Ever since Tom and yourself said "I do" it opened the floodgates to all of your problems. What would normally be considered as little marital spats between a couple wasn't what is going on between the two of you. It feels beyond that by this point. It doesn't help when you're constantly criticising him and getting under his skin. Only the bitter cloud is lifted when you catch Tom having an affair with another woman in the bed you share with him.


"I asked you to do one thing and you couldn't even do that!" You screeched in Tom's face.

"No, you didn't! All you said to me this morning was that you had a meeting!" Tom shouted back defensively.

"Yeah, then I asked you to pick my Dad up from the airport!" You threw your hands up with exasperation.

"Well if you did then it must have been while I was in the shower or something?! He then ran his fingers through his hair, as he took a deep breath to compose himself, and his jaw twitched while he tried to bite his tongue from saying anything he might regret. You just huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. Evidently you're still very angry with him.

These arguments between you are getting beyond just little spats that married couples have, because no matter what Tom did or didn't do you criticised him, irritably getting under his skin constantly. Every little thing you said hurt him deeply, it's like for some unknown reason to him that you're creating a wedge between you, no matter how hard he tries to get on your good side. Also it was clear to both of you that marriage was a problem, maybe even THE problem. Sure you both had disagreements in the past whilst you were only dating, but not long after saying "I do" was when the bigger issues started brewing. Hell even your honeymoon wasn't as spectacular as either of you imagined it to be.

"Welcome, Mrs Hiddleston to our very own private party!" Tom said suggestively, while he stood in the middle of the living room area, and he held his arms out to exaggerate his excitement with how luxurious the honeymoon suite is.

"Wow!" You gasp with amazement in your eyes. The door slightly bangs to a close behind you, as you lean back onto it, as you're taken back by how lovely the suite is. You hadn't even seen everything...yet.

"Ehehe, only the best for you my darling." He says and approaches you quickly to kiss you on the lips. Instantly you wrap your arms around his neck and melt into the kiss.


"What's that?" You ask with a slight panic to your voice.

"I ordered us some champagne and know like in Pretty Woman." He hastily answers the door before you can say anything, but you move to the side to allow the waiter entry.

The waiter wheels the little trolley into the room once the door is opened, as he greets you both with a friendly voice, and a matching smile too. He leaves the trolley over by the bar as instructed by Tom. Tom then tips the waiter before he leaves and places a 'do not disturb' sign over the handle once he's gone. Next Tom is grinning from ear to ear as he's at the bar pouring the champagne into the glasses. Although you've barely moved away from your spot near the door, as you're too busy mulling over Tom's choice of words.

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