Peanut's first kick

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this drabble on Zawe and Tom, as I have been meaning to write a one shot ever since their relationship became public, but I've been writing and rewriting stuff when I've had spare time. So in the end I scrapped all of that and gone with this instead. Hopefully in the near future there will be a one shot about them too, as I'd love to write about them again.

Summary: Tom Hiddleston and his fiancée Zawe Ashton are spending an evening at home together on the sofa. As they watch the Disney classic movie 'The Jungle Book,' Tom can't resist singing along to his favourite song, 'The Bare Necessities.' After he sings along for a bit their little Peanut kicks for the first time, but Tom misses it.


Zawe got comfy on the sofa next to her best friend and fiancé Tom. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, while she rested her head on his shoulder, for that extra comfiness and to be closer to each other. Once they were settled he pressed play and the movie began.

As the classic Disney movie 'The Jungle Book' got to Tom's favourite song 'The Bare Necessities,' he began to sing along. Zawe smiled at him lovingly as he sang along. Her smile widened when she felt their baby kick for the first time.

"Tom, the baby just kicked!" Zawe said with an excited squeal.

"Our peanut's first kick!?" Tom's eyes lit up and she could see the pure delight radiate off of him. The very same look when she shared the big news with him.

However, when Tom placed his hand on the bump the kicking had stopped. His smile turned into a frown, because he had missed it, an important milestone in a parent's life. Although he was quick to cover it up and kissed Zawe's temple as he drew her back in closer.

"Maybe you could sing again?" She suggested and seemed hopeful.

He turned fully on the sofa and Zawe turned lightly so they were facing each other, also he had his legs crossed underneath himself. Then he placed his hands on the bump ready to sing again, hopefulness in both of their eyes as he opened his mouth.

"The bare necessities of life will come to you

They'll come to you!

Look for the bare necessities

The simple bare necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife

I mean the bare necessities

That's why a bear can rest at ease...." They both laughed and felt another kick from their little Peanut.

"Peanut loves 'The Jungle Book' already!" Tom beamed with joy with his hands still on the bump.

"Peanut loves their Daddy!" Zawe stated happily, as she cupped Tom's face in her hands and gently rubbed her thumbs over his cheeks, whilst they smiled again at each other.

In that moment Tom felt as though he achieved a small life time goal. Finding happiness and love with Zawe was one of those life time goals, but now with their bundle of joy on the way was another to tick off the list. Along with introducing his child to his all time favourite childhood movie.

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