We can do this the easy way or the hard way

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A/N: A thousand apologies for taking so long to get back on track with prompt requests from way back in October. I barely had time to spare and what time I did have, I was so tired from working constantly that my brain couldn't function long enough to string a few sentences together leading up and over Christmas. I hope this one will make up for it!

Also thank you anonymous for being so patient with me and I hope I achieved the Loki/Darcy dynamic up to your expectations 😉 x

(Prompt requests are still closed just finishing the last from October 2023)

Prompt requested by Anonymous on Tumblr: Just under the wire! I am part of a very select group that likes Loki X Darcy. Can you please write a story where Darcy messes up the timeline, and Loki has to interrogate her. She is sarcastic and obstinate, so Loki asks her to remove her jeans and panties (bonus point if he says panties ;) ), and he fingers her as he interrogates her. She doesn't make it easy for him. But she spills the beans. Please.

Summary: Darcy Lewis finds herself at the TVA, an organisation which up until now was unknown to her, yet everything turns from a simple arrest to full blown interrogation by the last person she'd expect to find in such a rule binding place as this. A trickster god whose methods are received with mixed emotions.


Loki struts confidently down the corridor of the now all so familiar TVA headquarters. Initially he found it strange to be working alongside the people who had brought him there in the first place after he had wandered off his own timeline. Although after the dose of harsh reality of what was awaiting for him on his timeline certainly played havoc with his thoughts and emotions, which required quite a bit of adjusting to everything. However that was some months ago now, or at the very least that's what Loki assumed, given the very important fact that time works differently within the TVA itself. Yet he has come a long way since that day he was brought in after he tried to take over New York with the Chitauri and tried to escape with the Tesseract. He might even say he felt a part of something now, a part of a team.

Loki soon approached Mobius who stood outside one of the interrogation rooms with his eyes looking down at a TVA file in his hands."So who do we have today?" Loki asks, as soon as he stood a small distance away from Mobius and he stuffed his hands into his TVA assigned trousers pockets.

Mobius closes the TVA file in his hands as he looks up to Loki before he speaks. "Today we have an Earth 616 Variant, a Miss Darcy Lewis." Mobius then hands the file over to Loki and he takes it right away, then he opens it up and begins to scan his eyes over the first page.

"Darcy Lewis, huh?" Loki says with an element of surprise and amusement as he flicks the page over.

"Yeah, crazy to think your brother's girlfriend's assistant steered so far off the timeline. I never expected her to do something like it...sure she's known for being only the assistant, but I mean give her credit where it's due." Mobius replied with a slight shake of his head.

"Hum." Loki replies thoughtfully before closing the file.

"I'll go in first...you know, ease her into what's going on." Mobius says, as he begins to walk over to the door to the interrogation room.

"Do you not trust me to go first?" Loki says, as Mobius puts his hand on the door handle. Loki feels a little offended by his choice of words and like a switch he came to conclusions quickly.

"No. Come on, you know me better than that by now. I only meant that given what she might remember about you and your past...so it might be for the best that I go in first." Mobius tries to reassure Loki with a calm voice with a hint of that playfulness they often have whenever they disagree with each other.

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