The innocent prince

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Requested by Anonymous: If you're open for smut could I request a Loki x reader where Loki is a virgin and it's his first time so he's a little nervous

Summary: You came to know Loki the young prince of Asgard rather well over the years, as you watched him and his older brother Thor grow up. You noticed that they had grown into handsome young men, but you always had a stronger bond with Loki, as the pair of you had more in common. However, you found yourself quite attracted to Loki once he became of age, and he too found you rather alluring. One afternoon after you found him reading in the library (a place you both loved) you sort it out to tease him. He kept blushing while you continuously teased him, as you always did, which you adored to see him like that. Later in the evening you pushed him over the edge with jealousy, as you had more than one suitor run circles around you. Thor being one of them. But, he was soon to find out your games with the others were just to get his attention. You want him and only him. He's so innocent and you want to teach him in the ways of love.

Warnings: smut, oral sex, fingering, loss of virginity, swearing and age difference (but all of age).


Loki was sitting in his beloved library reading one of its thousands of books. He was sitting in his favourite spot on the window seat, leaning against the many cushions that occupied the seat. The afternoon sun was shining brightly behind him, but it wasn't a hot day, but Loki had the small side window open a crack anyway. He could smell the flowers on the small breeze through the cracked open window, along with the smells of leather and books, which surrounded him on the floor to ceiling high bookcases. He was lost within the pages bounded by leather. He was so lost in fact he never heard you come in until....

"Hello, Loki." You said as if from out of nowhere.

Loki peered up from his book with big round green eyes. Not very many could surprise him, but you are a sneaky one. "Hello, (Y/N)." Loki greeted you shyly, then he quickly hid his face behind his book. You seemed to be able to make him blush all the time and you found him adorable when he did. You'd never seen the young prince act in such a way with anyone else either.

You had watched Loki and his older brother Thor grow up. They couldn't be more different from each other, but both had grown into quite handsome young men. Thor, of course quickly became Odin's favourite and loved by all, whereas Loki mostly kept to himself and his nose stuck in a book. Yet, Loki spent a lot of time with you, mostly over a game or two of chess, also discussing books and sharing a lot about each other. As he became of age you found yourself attracted to the taller, raven haired, trickster. Growing up seemed to do him a lot of favours. He had a few girls who were interested in him, but he never seemed to feel the same way towards them. It wasn't until you found out that he had a crush on you too, you finally understood from then on, why he showed very little interest in girls his own age. Although, he had an idea that you knew about how he felt, yet, you enjoyed teasing him too much. And you enjoyed making him wait a little longer, before you made a move to take the relationship any further. You had to be sure.

You slumped down next to him, peering over his shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of what he was reading. "Ah, the legends of Eir the Goddess of healing." You said.

"Yes," was all Loki could manage to say, because your breath fanning over his neck was rather distracting.

"Healing powers can be quite useful." You replied as you moved back a bit, causing Loki to follow you with his eyes. "I mean someone who you care about could be hurt and you wouldn't want them to feel pain." You added.

"I guess so." Loki replied and tried to return to his book again.

You noticed lately that Loki was getting shy around you, well more than normal, especially when you teased him playfully. Teasing him was one of your favourite past times after sparring in the training room and reading, then chess was fourth. Something else you and Loki had in common was the preference of using daggers during a fight, but he had more advantages with his powers. After a while you got yourself a book and began reading next to Loki, on occasion you'd catch him staring over at you instead of reading.

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