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Summary: The Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, sort out to avenge it from the Chitauri army and its leader the God of Mischief. As fate would have it the God comes to realise amongst the chaos that a simple wives tale is very much real and discovers a human is his soulmate.


The Chitauri army poured out of the massive portal which opened up in the crack of New York's skyline, causing a dark shadow to cast over a large portion of the city, the weather instantly changed to a more gloomy eclipse of mass destruction. Civilians screaming as they ran for a safe haven away from the alien creatures, abandoning their cars and other vehicles in the traffic build ups, a tremendous amount of people having to evict their homes and workplaces just in the nick of time of their demolition. Sadly not everyone was lucky during the chaos, many of which ended up suffering various injuries, while some unfortunate souls did not make it out alive at all.

Meanwhile at the heart of the attack was a God, who many only believed to have been a myth prior to his recent appearance in Germany, now he was coming at them live and in person at an astonishing rate. Alas some people had a close run-in with the God himself. Seeing up close how he terrified the 'puny humans.' Seeing the dark sunken in crazed glossed over green eyes piercing into their very souls. Seeing the sheen of sweat on his brow and the snarling animal within ready to pounce at any given moment.

During the maelstrom in a diner a few blocks down from where the attack had begun a young woman's gaze caught the television screen that's mounted to the wall. Seeing 'BREAKING NEWS' in its bold block font that stretched across the bottom of the screen while the rest of the screen was filled with an incoming live exclusive from one of the news reporters. The reporter was standing in the midst of the action that exploded behind them and she felt the aftershocks in real time.

It unsettled her to see what was happening to the city she grew up in and loved so much, but what the worst part was seeing it herself, after she joined those who ran outside of the diner, seeing it unfold before their very eyes. A confirmation that it wasn't just some cheap hoax or unauthorised filming of a movie with special effects going off. However instead of following the moving crowd as they ran for their lives she actually ran towards the commotion, given she's training to be a nurse and her instincts told her people needed her, always equipped with her bag of first aid on hand for anything. Yet these circumstances were never something she imagined to be on her list of possible emergencies.

Along the way she saw flashes of men and a woman running around in spandex attire and unconventionally armed with unlikely choices of weaponry. She could even have sworn she saw a green giant of a man in only ripped trousers throwing cars at the alien creatures flying above her head. Although the consequential lives that are at steak didn't leave room for dwelling on the absurdity she'd witness along the way.

Once she reached the line of fire she began digging through a wreckage for survivors. During her search she found a middle aged man trapped inside his crushed car, with two cars smashed into it, one being smashed through the rear and one on the drivers side while a lamp post penetrated through the windscreen. The man looked to be unconscious and the airbag appeared to have failed. She quickly grabbed a piece of rubble and used it to smash through the passenger side window and then reached inside to pop the door open. Dropping her bag beside the car before climbing onto the passenger seat to reach over the lamp post to get to the man trapped. She managed to get her fingers on the side of his neck to check his pulse, tragically there was no signs of life, she was too late.

A heavy and regrettable sigh escaped her lips as she climbed back out a moment later, grabbing her bag and putting it across her body once more, then continuing her search for survivors. Whilst she continued on her way she had to avoid an abundance of debris and not to draw any unwanted attention that might diverge her from her path. Without warning she witnesses a mother being struck down by one of the alien creatures, her insides being torn right out of her abdomen, being shown no mercy before collapsing lifelessly to the ground and her son left frozen in fear. Unhesitantly she immediately ran towards the boy, who quite possibly could only be five years old, and now alone. Luckily she managed to push the boy down and away from the alien creature in enough time. A man in red, white and blue suddenly intervenes, slicing off the head of the alien with a swift fling of his shield.

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