Coriolanus and no knickers

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A/N: I know this is way we're hopefully far past all of the lockdowns etc...and literally a lot of people are over it now, but this was an idea that was in the works for ages. It was in the works even long before I anncoundeld the title of it, I was just avoiding it for a long time. Not that I'm saying I dislike this one, because I don't dislike was all really down to getting my head fully around it. I have expressed about my difficult time during the lockdowns before, especially the first one, that one had to be the worst. As did many of us struggle. It was all overwhelming...anyway this it in its entirety after having the rough outline planned for so long, enjoy 😊 x

Summary: The world is under lock down and the production of the Disney+ series, Loki, has been put on hold. Tom and you are stuck in a hotel room in Atlanta with his dog Bobby, due to the Covid 19 pandemic. No one knows when life will be normal again or if it ever will be the same after all of this chaos. In the meantime though Tom is invited to join the Coriolanus watch along, a reunion of sorts. However during it you decide it's the best time to tease Tom by not wearing any knickers.


Josie Rourke began her Instagram livestream and announced the start of the watch along of Coriolanus, which she directed at the Donmar Warehouse and it ran from December 2013 - February 2014, and it was filmed by The National Theatre Live. Hence why she had the opportunity to organise a watch along with some of the cast members, now that it was possible due to The National Theatre streaming several plays onto YouTube, as well as raising money during these difficult times.

After Josie spoke with Erin Murphy the stage manager first, she then tried more than once to invite Tom to join her. However he did not respond right away, as he was busy greeting you and Bobby at the door, as you'd just gotten in after taking him for a walk. Since you both decided that it was for the best while Tom was setting everything up, and Bobby would more than likely just settle down and chill out whilst Tom would be talking to Josie. Of course Tom gave Bobby a long scratch behind his ears and he chuckled at Bobby's appreciation in return. Then he gave you a few pecks on your lips and one of his famous warm hugs, even though you were only gone for just little over an hour, he'd missed you nonetheless. You missed him too. Eventually you had to untangle yourselves as you overheard Josie's voice in the background apologising to everyone for the technical difficulties. Due to Josie thinking that the connection itself was being slow and not the fact that Tom wasn't there to answer her request to join.

As Tom settled down to double check, or even triple check over everything was good to go, you'd taken Bobby's lead off and gave him a small treat as you knelt down to him. Then you told him that he was a good boy on his walk with your baby voice, which you always used with the adorable fluff ball. Also hearing that voice always made Tom smile. In the end Tom had to request to join Josie instead after missing her request yet again, and after her quick email to see if he was there or not. You mouthed 'I love you' as he looked up at you with a smile before you went into the bathroom. Although his request was accepted before he could mouth an 'I love you' back and the bathroom door had closed with a soft click behind you.

"Ah-ha!" Josie celebrated with a smile and a little clap of her hands, as Tom finally popped up onto the screen.

He chuckled and then said, "hey."

"That was an aching pause of me being technically incompetent, for which I apologise to everyone." She said as Tom nervously chuckled. He wanted to explain, to tell her the truth, but the truth was no one knew about you. Well except for his family, who had the pleasure of meeting you over a video call a few weeks ago. Your family got to meet him too, during a separate video call a few days later. Other than your families you both had kept your relationship very quiet.

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