We're Lokis, it's in our nature, is it not?

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Fan art by boomdafunk: with my added story title. Original (I received permission to use this image beforehand)

Requested by delphiniumblooms: sylki smut, with loki smoothing sylvie's hair at some point (cause of all these gifs ive been seeing of tom's sex scenes where he smooths his own/his partner's hair and its so cute)

A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this prompt and I got a little carried away too, haha. Although, I enjoyed collaborating with you delphiniumblooms and coming up with new ideas that weren't part of the original prompt!

And give a listen to Honey by Halsey as the song was a newer idea put forth, and I think goes really well for this story.



Summary: During Sylvie and Loki's quest at the end of the universe in search for He Who Remains, they settle down and make camp, despite Sylvie wanting to keep going. Loki conjures up a small fire and prepares them some food, which she is unsure about at first. However, Sylvie soon makes use of their down time by getting Loki to share a story. A story about would-be-princesses, and the chance of another prince being involved too. In return she shares one of her own sexual encounter stories. The stories end up greasing the wheels like back on Lamentis one the moment raises between them again, and becomes a second chance for Loki to be intermit with Sylvie.

Warnings: smut, oral sex, fingering, swearing, hair pulling/smoothing, dom Loki, spanking, some fluff, mind manipulation, rough sex, hand jobs, blow jobs, tongue fucking, BDSM, aftercare, holding down and touch starved.


Sylvie and Loki have been wandering the lands at the end of time for what felt like a small eternity. Which reflected a lot on Loki's features and his slumped posture, as he had fallen behind a few strides. Occasionally he groaned and rolled his green eyes when something new popped up in their surroundings, more so at items from Earth, their surroundings actually looked eerily like a graveyard to be precise. Not only does the graveyard-like lands have its surface covered with Earth stuff, but also, pieces from various points from the timeline and other realms too.

"When are we going to take a break?" Loki wailed.

"We'll stop, when we stop." Sylvie called over her shoulder before muttering 'men' with annoyance under her breath.

"I heard that!" He yelled back, after stopping abruptly with his hands on his waist to empathise his own annoyance.

"You were supposed to!" She chuckled, as she pulled herself up onto an abandoned car bonnet, then she climbed onto the roof. An ideal position for her to get a better view of their surroundings.

"Yes well, these shoes aren't exactly made for hiking." Loki grumbled.

"Really? You're complaining about the comfort of those?" Sylvie pointed at his shiny TVA assigned shoes.

"They're not as comfortable as one might think." He said while trying to suppress another grumble.

"Then change them." She replied with a roll of her blue eyes, before she jumped off the car bonnet.

"I could, but nothing else would go with this." He replied gesturing down at his TVA assigned uniform.


"Change, right." Loki finished Sylvie's sentence. Although, after she patted his cheek in the annoying way she did, only made him feel more annoyed.

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