Friends with benefits or something more?

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A/N: Hello you amazing people!

Apologies for my absence once again, but it was unforeseen, however it really has been hectic lately. I hope you are all keeping well and are enjoying those more warmer summer days that's kicking in now.

I'm glad to be updating again and I hope you enjoy the update and more coming soon 😊 x

Summary: You woke up during the night and found the bed empty beside you. Your mind instantly started doubting everything that happened between you and Loki. Making you wonder if it's nothing but friends with benefits or all lies to get you into bed.


As you awakened late at night your eyes were met with the lights of New York City, which pooled into Loki's bedroom, the large bare windows gave you a magnificent view of the city that never sleeps. The sounds of distant sirens and traffic was a comforting blend to your accustomed life since you moved to the city two years ago.

It was a moment you wanted to share with Loki, a moment you always imagined with him, a quiet chance to look out at the city together like this. Only as you shuffled backwards you came to realise that your back didn't come into contact with a lean and firm body, also the sheets were colder on his side of the bed. Your eyebrows furrowed together as you sat up, finding the bed empty beside you, touching the empty space then with your hand.

You're alone.

You could feel an ache between your thighs, the kind of good ache deep in your core from being intimate with someone, that someone being a literal god who'd made you feel so good a few hours ago. At the time it felt wonderful being together, you'd never experienced pleasure quite like it before, he even made your heart race with excitement. He had claimed to have longed to have you in his arms during the throes of pleasure and wanting to ruin you for anyone else as you writhed beneath him.

Right now however you can't help but feel as though he was lying to you. Telling you sweet nothings, feeding you lines that he thought you'd want to hear so he could have his fill. Why else would he have left you alone? After all he is the god of mischief and lies.

"No, don't think like that." You scolded yourself for thinking that Loki would hurt you. You knew him better than that.

He's been your friend, your best friend in fact ever since you moved to the city and became an Avenger. Hell he would have risked anything to keep you safe. Albeit your mind told you it was a game to him. He was playing the long game, pretending to befriend you and to insert your trust in him, so he could get what he wanted. Until your mind changed its thoughts to maybe he just wants to be friends with added benefits. If your heart could live with that better than the former.

You soon climbed out of his bed and put Loki's green silk gown on to wear, which you found hung up on the back of the en-suite bathroom door, it carried his intoxicating woody and minty scent. The silk clung to your sticky skin from the cold sweat that was still lingering on your body. Your delicate fingers glided down the lapels to smooth it out, lost in your thoughts when a pair of large hands grabbed hold of your hips from behind, fingers brushing your skin through the gap of the night gown. He moved so stealthily you never heard him walking in.

"It suits you, love." Loki hummed approvingly, as he came to rest his chin on your shoulder.

"I-I thought you left me." You murmured back, trying to seem not too overly upset, apart from he knows you too well and can see right through you.

Loki turned you around to face him, his hands came up to cup your face, his eyes fixed on your own. His thumbs gently caressing your cheeks a moment before he can even speak.

"You have doubts about what I said to you earlier...I do not blame you for having any, we both have had our share of heartbreak, as well as plenty of downward spirals. Each completely different experiences, yet overall the same outcomes, feeling the worst about the situation we found ourselves in at those moments. However I do not wish you to feel like you don't mean anything to me, darling, because the truth is you mean so much to me. I want us to be more than just friends." His words were like a comforting hug of reassurance and you felt bad for doubting his intentions for even a second.

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