Don't be nervous, darling

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A/N: Request for two granted! Thank you Anonymous for both scenarios and I hope neither disappoint anyone x

Prompt requested by Anonymous on Tumblr: I had two ideas if that's okay:

lady interviewer is nervous talking to Tom, so before the filming crew comes Tom goes down on her to help her relax.

Chris Evans has never seen Tom naked before and sneeks up on him in the shower.

Summary: You're a journalist and you've been given a great opportunity, one that could kickstart your career. An interview with Tom Hiddleston. You've been a big fan of his work for a long time, but you're a nervous wreck about meeting him. When he comes to meet you before the interview it becomes an unexpected but welcomed pleasurably relief.


This was it, your big moment after all your hard work had paid off.

You've been working as a journalist for the past three years and so far you've only been given small projects to write about. Most have been projects on how to's and how not's as well as the dreaded drivel about dating and dietary tips. Whilst doing so you figured it was a stepping stone and if you write them to the best of your ability, despite your disinterest, then it would lead to better things for you. Which is exactly what's happened. You have recently been given the opportunity you've been hoping for. Only problem though is that you are currently a nervous wreck right now.

You've been a huge fan of the man you're interviewing today for years and now you are waiting to meet him before the cameras start rolling. Hell, you even changed your outfit at least twenty times before leaving the house and ranted to your best friend about meeting him on the phone for hours the night before. They were excited for you and had known about this interview for weeks just as you had, however you just needed one last rant with them, not that it would stop the nervousness you're currently feeling right now.

After waiting for the past ten minutes the door opened with a soft click and then Tom Hiddleston the man himself walked into the room. As soon as he saw you he gave you that famous smile that has caused so many people to swoon over. You smiled back although you feared it was a creepy smile, but in reality it was far from creepy, luckily. Although you felt butterflies in your stomach and they seemingly increased the closer Tom got to you.

"Hello, you must be Y/N?" Tom says politely, as he holds out his hand to you and that smile of his didn't seem like it wasn't going to disappear any time soon.

'You can do this.' You thought to yourself before you accepted his handshake, shaking his hand firmly, as if you had all the confidence as you had the day you had been interviewed for this job in the first place. "Yes, that's me. I'm Y/N." You said, whilst trying to ensure no strange noises came out of your mouth and made sure not to hold his hand for too long like some weirdo.

"I hear this is your first interview." He says, almost sounding more enthusiastic than you, despite that being far from the truth, just your nervousness was nearly completely out-weighing that.

All you could do was nod your head in agreement, causing his gaze to narrow as if he's assessing your character, with his eyebrows furrowed deep in thought. 'Oh great, he must think I hate my job.' All your mind could come up with, along with the possibility that he doesn't like you, which seemed very far-fetched due to the fact that it sounded rare for the man to dislike anybody. The longer this silence went on though the more uncomfortable you became, really it may not have been long, but to you it felt like it had been at least twenty minutes. Although the look on his face now seemed to have a different effect on you, causing the once fluttering butterflies in your stomach to be replaced by twisted knots, your heart quickening. The combination of those feelings with your wrecked nerves wasn't what you needed right now.

Tom Hiddleston one shot/drabble collectionWhere stories live. Discover now