Baby's first Christmas

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A/N: I hope this year's Christmas special is passable due to me rushing to put it together. However I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and wishing all the best for 2024 x

Summary: Yourself and Tom recently had a baby together and you've had the perfect first Christmas as a family. Topping off the day by watching the snowfall outside your apartment window.


Tom comes to a sudden halt in the doorway of the living room as the sight before him warms his heart. He stands there with a soft smile as he sees you, his wife, standing by the large apartment window with your newborn in your arms. To top off this scene are the first signs of snowfall right outside, and the twinkling of the Christmas lights from the tree shining on both of your faces, while you show your newborn the snow. It's the perfect way to end Christmas Day on, your baby's first Christmas, your first Christmas as a family.

After a moment of Tom just watching he walked up behind you, smiling at you both as you see his reflection now in the window, you smile back just as he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses the side of your neck and holds you and the baby closer as the three of your watch the snow falling. Gently he rocks you both as he keeps you both close and he begins to hum a Christmas song too. As he rocks you both gently you lean back into his chest and glance down at your little one who's looking at the snow in awh as well as making adorable noises too. The adorable noises make you and Tom chuckle, his humming wavering at the same time, before completely stopping as he sighs in contentment simultaneously the rocking stops also.

The day couldn't have gone any better than it had nor could the love between you two be torn apart. This is exactly what you and Tom have always wanted, being newly parents was truly a wonderful gift, you'd both treasure this first Christmas as a family for always.

"Merry Christmas, my dears." Tom says in a gentle loving tone, as he gives you and your baby a slight squeeze in his arms then he kisses the side of your neck again.

"Merry Christmas, Tommy." You say with the same loving tone, as you look over your shoulder at him before you give him a tender kiss on his lips. He doesn't hesitate to return your kiss. The kiss lasts for a few seconds before your little one starts cooing, causing yourself and Tom to chuckle as your lips parted. 

Tom Hiddleston one shot/drabble collectionWhere stories live. Discover now