Chapter Three

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A Week Later...

It's the week of the movie premiere, it's gonna be busy. Sebastian had been on his suit fittings and so were you.

Your dress was made a month ago, which gives time for Dior to make your dress, and so will Sebastian's. Your dress looked perfect, Dior had outdone your expectations.

You haven't seen Sebastian's fully done, but you will on Wednesday night of the premiere.

It's Monday in the afternoon, you're in your apartment, and Sebastian decided to visit for a while, but the front desk called your telephone while you and Sebastian were making-out, (ooop)  he took the telephone, "Is miss Robertson there?" the front desk asked, "Yea, I can tell her" Sebastian replied, "there's this guy named Louis, saying that they know each other?", "Who is it?" you asked Sebastian, "Okay, tell him to wait there" Sebastian said as he hung up.

"V, your ex is downstairs, did you tell him your address?" he asked you. What the hell is Louis doing down your lobby, and how did he know where you lived. "No, of course not" you said with concern, "I'll go down and talk to him-..", "I'll come with you" you told Sebastian, "You, stay here.", "No, I'll talk to him".

You came with Sebastian downstairs, he was behind you as you saw Louis sat there on the lobby. "Louis, what are you doing here?" you approached him, "Oh great! I just wanted to hang with you!" he said, Sebastian walked beside you and took out his hand to be shook, "Hey man! I'm Sebastian", they shook each others hand, "Oh, the boyfriend," he said as Sebastian smiled at him with concern.

"I'm sorry Louis, but we've got things to do" you said, "and, how'd you find me?", "I searched online, it sounds creepy, but I really didn't mean to make it like that, alright, nice seeing you Sebastian, and Y/n" he said as he left the lobby.

You and Sebastian looked at each other confused, "let's go" he held your hand going to the elevator and up to your apartment. "That was weird, why would he do that" you told Sebastian as you entered your apartment, "Probably misses you or something" Sebastian replied doubting, you approached Sebastian and held his face, "Awe, someone's jealous", "I'm not" he chuckles, he ran his fingers on your bottom lip gently and kissed you, "Why would I when I get to do these with you"

Sebastian kissed your lips, you sighed heavily, as he ran his fingers through the back of your neck and on to your hair, everything kept being intimate, your hands were on his back, as he was holding your waist, passionately kissing each other. Someone knocked on your door, You and Sebastian stopped and fixed yourself, "Really?!" he said

You went to the door and saw your mom as you opened it, "Mom!" you said, "What are you doing here?", "Well I'm your mother aren't I?" she replied as she entered your apartment and saw Sebastian standing there putting his shirt on, "I guess you kids have been busy" she said as you were fixing your hair, "Hi Mrs. Robertson" Sebastian said to your mom and respectfully kissed her cheek,

"Mom, first of all, not kids anymore, second, why now- why are you here?" you told your mom, you both sat in your couch, and she said that she just wanted to see you while your dad is at work.

Sebastian kissed your lips fast and went to your bedroom, "Well just watch a movie mom, there's tons there", as you followed Sebastian to your bedroom, he was laying there using his phone, "What a day" you jumped to bed with him, and cuddled, "Yeah? Now where were we?" he smiled and went on top of you as he kissed your neck, you bit your lip, and kissed his lips,

Suddenly the door opened, "Hey hon-..", "Mom! Jesus! Shut the door!" Sebastian chuckled, turned and laid at the bed, you got your shirt on and opened the door as your mom were waiting, "Sorry honey, I didn't see anything" she chuckled, "Mom! You could've knocked" you said, "You could've locked the door!" she talked back, "What do you need?" you asked her, "I can't hear anything, I don't know how to put the volume up", both of you went to the living room.

Your mom told you to sit down with her, "Is he good?" she asked jokingly, "Mom! Jesus- stop" you told her and chuckled back, "Honey, I heard you moaning before I came in" she said, "Oh my god! Mom, is it that loud?!" you replied with your eyes wide open in shock, "I'm kidding, but obviously I knew the moment I came through the door. I guess his better than good", "He's better than good" you smiled at your mom.

You watched the movie with her, and Sebastian decided to sleepover at your apartment. He stayed in your room. Your mom fell asleep in the guest bedroom, so she was comfortable.

After an hour and a half, you went to your room and hugged Sebastian from behind as he was washing his face in the bathroom, he was wearing his boxers and shirtless as usual, he carried you and sat you down to the counter of the sink.

"We've got to be quiet, my mom's sleeping" you chuckled.

Authors Note:
I think we both know what happened after that teehee 😭😭

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