Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Where the hell are you taking me?", I ask. Right now we're walking up to the stairs that leads to god knows where, and I'm blindfolded.

I really hope he's not planning to plot a murder on me.

"You know— if you wanted to murder me, might as well have done it when we met in Venice.", I tease him as he chuckles.

"Baby, I'll make sure to set my vibranium arm ready to kill.", he teases as a reference to his Marvel movies.

Finally, we reach wherever he wanted us to reach, and I hear him opening a door. As we enter, the breeze of New York City hits me, and my hair flew with the wind.

"You ready?", Sebastian asks from behind me, and he rests both his hands on either side of my waist.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

And with that— he took the blindfolds off of me, and I'm welcomed with the beautiful skyline of New York, the busy taxi's, and the stars shining so bright underneath us. The balcony he took me to wasn't just any balcony— no. This one had fairy lights above us, lounge velvet couches and the vintage carpets on the floor. There was a coffee table in the middle, it had sushi, my favorite drink— iced matcha.

I am so beyond speechless, I walk towards the railing, as I looked over the city. It was beautiful.

"Wow", I say breathlessly.

I turn back to Sebastian, he has this smile plastered on his face, and a huge bouquet of white roses in his arms.

He walked to me, "You like it?", is that even a joke?, "Fuck yes— I love it baby."

He hands me the bouquet of roses, "Thank you.", I say as I gave him the most passionate kiss to ever give him.

We pull apart, "What's this for?", I look around.

I swear to fucking god— what if he's going to propose? Oh shit. I'm literally about to pee my pants right now. I mean we've been dating for a year, so I guess that's enough.

"Y/n." he calls out to me and I immediately break out of my trance.

He reaches out to his pocket, and brings out an envelope.

"What's this?", I ask as he hands me the envelope. "Why don't you open it and find out?"

With that, I open the envelope, and a wide smile is plastered across my face. I can't believe it. I've been wanting this, but I had no time to do it or buy it.

— It was a plane ticket to Italy, the one I told him about 4 nights ago. He remembered.

"I heard from someone that you really wanted to go to Italy, so I thought— why not get a plane ticket" he teases.

I wrap my arms around his neck, "Really? And who might have you heard this from?", I play along.

I chuckled and gave him a kiss, "I love you, baby. Thank you— but you didn't have to do this."

"I want to, and plus, we don't know where to celebrate the holidays— and now we do."

God, I am completely, utterly, inlove with this guy.

He took me to this amazing date.

Got me a bouquet of white roses.

Bought us a plane ticket to Italy.

I have no words on how lucky I am with him.

Authors Note:

Okay, this a really short chapter, but I have
a plan for the upcoming chapters.


Also— sorry for the late updates, I've been really busy lately, and I promise you guys that I've been thinking of plots and ideas for this book.

Sometimes, I can't think of any, but I'm really trying to satisfy you guys! So pleasee don't get mad at me 😭😭

ps. dont forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!!

xoxo love you besties! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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