Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sebastian's POV

"No"— those were the last words I heard when I finally said the words— words that took everything in me to say, not because I was doubting, but because I was completely and utterly nervous.

Here goes nothing.

We're on the way to this private dinner under the stars that I rented for this day.

Y/n is looking beautiful as ever, obviously. She's wearing this beautiful silk backless dress that, and went with a couple of jewelries, her hair tied up into a slick bun, and the light make-up, with that sunkissed natural blush she has on.

Walking over the place— the table is set up, the stars are shining, and the candles are lit around.

"Holy shit" she says, as I chuckle.

I put one hand in my pocket feeling the velvet box, making sure it's actually there.

I go around to pull her seat, as she sits down.

"Baby— you didn't need to do this, taking me here, to Italy was enough.", she tells me with admiration.

"I know, but this isn't just any dinner my love."

My heart's beating out of my chest— I've always imagined what it's like to feel what I'm feeling right now— excitement, emotional, in love, scared.

The only thing that could possibly go wrong is if she says 'no'

I stand up from my seat.

"Y/n" I say softly, catching her gaze.

I take her hand as she stands up from her seat.

The music starts playing a slow song— Fine Line by Harry Styles— her favorite.

She would always play it whenever I come over and she'll scream her lungs out to every word— yet I love her for it.

"Can I have this dance with you?"  I wink at her.

"I'm gonna cry— this song? Really?" she chuckles.

Resting my hand on her lower back, as she wraps her arms around my neck, we sway to the melody of the music.

Suddenly— the world stops. Just me and her under the stars, her favorite music in the background, and her eyes shining full of admiration and passion.

She rests her head on my shoulders as we dance slowly— I'm completely in love with her.

She lifts her head up as her brown eyes meet my blue ones. "I love you", her teary eyes showing.

"I have one more question." 

I'm fucking nervous.

I pull back, as her hands drop to mine.

"You know it's true what they say— love is a fine line, well, it's what you say mostly" I chuckle, "But you see, you're the only person that understands me and could actually be patient with me. Baby, everyday I fall in love with you even more, I don't think I could go over a day without thinking of you— even in our little break, that scared the shit out of me, and that's also when I realized that I can never let you go— you're it for me Y/n Robertson."

Oh god, she's shaking now, and her eyes are filled with tears— happy tears I hope.

"Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

I bring out the velvet box from my pocket, and open it as it showcases the beautiful pear shaped diamond ring, with infinity diamonds on both sides of the metal band.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" She smiles, excitement in her voice while she cries, "Yes! Oh my god! A million times— Yes!"

And those words were the only assurance I needed to know— the assurance that I finally get to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman standing in front of me.

I slide the ring on her finger— My fiancé.

My fiancé— holy fucking shit.

Our lips smashes to each other, the joy and excitement, everything we feel for one another is sealed. "I love you, I love you, I love you" she mumbles as she kissed the hell out of me.

"I love you too baby"  I smile.

We finally get a hold of ourselves and we finally eat dinner. Y/n took tons of photos, and she called her mom, her mother screeched, jesus christ, It reached until Italy.

She's a sweetheart though.

"Can the wedding cake be chocolate?" I ask

"Sebastian, are you kidding? No."

Yup. Those were the last words, 'No' to a chocolate wedding cake, she assures me that I should have nothing to do with the cakes, and she wants a red velvet.

Oh well— happy wife, happy life.

I get to finally marry the love of my life— well, not yet, but at least I got the ring on her finger.

Quick update, I've currently moved in with her, since I'm mostly in Y/n's place, and it's actually big enough for the both of us, and— we're engaged.

She's planning an engagement party in the Empire State Building rooftop, people are so thrilled.

Although, after we get married, we're planning to buy a house, a family to grow in.

It's almost ironic how I thought I wouldn't be ending up with someone, and now here I am, engaged and planning to buy a house with the woman I saw in that airport.

There's gonna be a lot more going on— but I can't wait to marry the shit out of Y/n Robertson.


I'm so sorry if I haven't updated for the longest time, a lot has happened— I got sick, finals came up, and a quick vacation to my relatives.

BUT HEY! Y/n and Sebastian are engaged!

Love you guys!

Giving ya'll an update this week!


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