Chapter Eighteen

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Y/n's POV

"How many kids do you want?" I asked him. Suddenly I was so curious, I felt a future with him. But I wasn't sure if he also wanted a future with me. He looked at me, and I almost frowned. "What made you think about it?" he asked as I shrugged. "I'm just curious." I forced a smile.

Maybe he doesn't want a future with me, maybe I'm just another girl that he wanted for a year and leaves me. I was anxious. Because one thing's for sure, I do love him.

"Maybe two?" I smiled at me as he gave me a peck. "I love you, you know that right?" he asked me for assurance. "I love you, Sebastian Stan." I cupped his face.

We stayed sitting on that bench til' the sunset. My head leaned to his shoulder, I was so happy.

"Seb!" I shouted from the bathroom. I got my period today and I just realized I ran out of tampons and pads. Ugh, I completely forgot my schedule. "What?" he rushed to me with concern in his eyes. Awe.

"Can you please buy some tampons down the pharmacy store? I only have one, and I got just got my period." I asked nicely, really hoping that he's willing to buy it for me. "Baby, I thought there was an emergency or something! You scared me." he sighs in relief.

This is an emergency, jeez Seb.

I smile at him, the concern in his eyes gone. And I'm still in the toilet seat. "What kind?" he asks. I smile at him in awe, "You're really gonna get one for me?" I pouted. "Y/n, I don't think I have a choice. And obviously, you are my girlfriend after all." he kissed me. I love this man.

I told him the brand and he went on his way, and I finished my business. I obviously used a pad, pads are superior. Like seriously? Pads lets most of the blood flow easily. Anyone who tells me otherwise, is a joke. But I did still need some tampons when it's my last days.

I sat on the couch, with sweatpants and one of Sebastians hoodie. I had bucket of ice cream in my hand and crying at the movie Five Feet Apart. Ugh, why'd they have to part ways? I'm over this.

Sebastian arrived with a plastic bag in his hand, "Why are you crying?" I rushed to me, sitting and comforting me. I couldn't help but laugh at his concern, but I appreciated him. I curled up in his arms with my knees to my chest, and his hands wrapped around me. "Because! They have to part ways, the stupid medical issues they have make them prevent a happy ending." I rant, as I sob more. His chuckle vibrating through his chest, as I smacked his chest.

"Baby— this is your 5th time watching this movie, and you still cry." I smiles as he cups my face, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I pouted as he gave me a kiss on the lips. "You're tampons & pads are in the kitchen counter."

"Thank you love"

He's such a sweetheart, honestly, he's my bitch. He'd do anything for me, obviously same goes with me.

Sebastian stood up and walked to my room, he said he needed to do some virtual meetings since he left early to surprise me.

I couldn't help but think, I wonder who'd I invite if I ever got married. I wonder if I'm even gonna get married, what if I don't? What if Sebastian doesn't genuinely love me and he's just keeping up with my bullshit. Does he even want me? Is he annoyed that I let him buy my pads and tampons? I mean— he did laugh at me when I was sobbing-

"Y/n?" Sebastian took me out of my misery. "Why are you still crying?" he asked with concern. "Do you love me?" I asked tearing up. "Is that even a fucking question?" he furrowed his eyebrows, "Of course I do. Stop overthinking okay? I love you." I assured me. "Okay" I hugged him.

My goodness, my brain and hormones are out of this world. Honestly, Sebastian is making me feel turned on, but I can't do activities with him, my fucking vagina decided to bleed.

"Do you want anything? Food? Drinks?" he asks. "You." I smirked. He chuckles as he kissed me deeply, I hummed a moan, "Seb, I'm bleeding, I can't" I groan. "Too bad then huh?" he teases. "Oh but darling, I can feel you right now." I smirked at him.

He pulls away, "I'll take a cold shower." he stands up and goes to the bathroom. I know what he's gonna do. Such a tease.


We stayed in my apartment all day. But Sebastian had multiple meetings, he was exhausted, and I was exhausted with my cramps. All he did was comfort me and do whatever I wanted him to.

He's my man.

I went back to my room, laid in my bed, and watched Netflix. sadly, we couldn't 'Chill'. I have my comforter wrapped around my body, and I'm curled up with my hands on my stomach, my cramps hit after Sebastian went out of the shower. I can't even stand, I keep my eyes squint in pain with my eyebrows furrowed— I was in pain.

Sebastian went over behind me, and cuddled me up. He even searched what he should do to relieve my pain. He took a cloth and dumped it in warm water, and demanded me to put it on my stomach, it releases pain. He even made me tea.

I sort of felt better. His efforts today, I appreciate him. He's rubbing my arms in comfort, and kept kissing my head to make me feel better. "Are you feeling okay now?" He asked with the concern in his voice. I couldn't speak, the pain was overwhelming me, and I just nodded to give him an answer. I didn't want to worry him more.

This is the worst cramps I've ever had since middle school. "Do you need anything?" he asks again. I couldn't help but chuckle, the concern and care he has for me is making me melt. "Sebby, I'm okay. Okay?" I lie again.

Soon enough, I felt tired and slept in Sebastian's arms. And the pain went away.

This guy is the best.

I can't wait to marry him- uh...what?

Authors Note:

oop! marry?!? hahaha! what do you guys think? double update since i was a bit absent for two days. love you guys! xx


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