Chapter Sixteen

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Author's Note: in this part of the story— I've changed my writing style since I think for me it's a lot more better and less cringier! hope you guys don't mind the little change-up <33


Two day's have passed by, Sebastian have been busy, and I've been missing him so much, that it hurt. But I love the guy endlessly, I never knew that I'd actually fall for someone accidentally.

"Hey baby, I just finished my photoshoot, but they said that there would be some meeting for an upcoming movie they casted me for" He calls, "I'm sorry doll, I miss you already." he added. "Don't worry about it love, I completely understand. I'll see you soon okay?". I hang up the phone as I enter the coffee shop.

Well, this is gonna be one boring day without him, but of course I understand. I mean, I also got business meetings with my manager that my mother hired for me. But I really needed Sebastian as my comfort, and it bothers me that he isn't here.

Well, that happened two days ago, and he's still not here. He called earlier in the morning to have breakfast with me, while playing 'Hungry Eyes' on the background. I couldn't help but laugh at him dancing with his boxers on during our facetime.

He makes so much effort for me, and I couldn't love him even more— this guy will be the end of me.

I headed out to go see my mother, since she has been calling me non-stop because an I quote 'You spend too much time on your phone'. Mother? I am in my twenties for goodness sakes, and I got my own life.

But, if I don't grab lunch with her, she will keep bothering me and call until I am forced— which I am.


Soonly I arrive to an Italian Restaurant that had so much people with their phones out, and atleast two or three paparazzi's outside. This is gonna be one hell of a lunch with mother dearest.

I step out of the car, and almost immediately, people's heads turn as if they've seen a ghost. I put my sling bag on my shoulders and sun glasses to at least keep myself lowkey, but obviously, that didn't help.

Security was on each side of me, and the crowded people started getting through asking pictures, my anxiety was through the roof. There was this little girl who had her phone up and yelling my name, but the security wouldn't want her through.

I enter the glass doors of the restaurant, but the little girl's voice could still be heard, although distorted, I can hear it clearly,

"Y/n! Please! I just want a photo!" she yelled my name. I felt awful, so I did what I thought was right, "Let the little girl in". I tell the security, "But ma'am-" I cut him off. "I wasn't asking."

Soon enough, the security opened one of the glass doors to let the girl in. As she got in, she looked up to me, I put my sunglasses down and crouched to reach her height, "Hi darling, what's your name?" I ask politely, giving my hand out to shake.

She takes my hand, her mouth opened in awe. "I'm Leah, I'm a huge fan of yours. You're so beautiful" she compliments me. "Thank you Leah, and so are you— So how about that photo?" I point to her phone as she smiles wildly.

Leah was soon about to leave when I called her out again. "Have you eaten? Do you want ice cream? Pasta?" I approach her. She seemed too shy to answer, she wasn't even looking at me in my eyes, which I totally understand. "Ice cream?" she smiled at the thought of it. "Well— would you like to join me and mother for some ice cream?" I ask politely, hoping that she'd say yes, and soonly, she agreed.

I don't know what came through me and decided to invite a random little girl who just asked for a photo, and here I am holding her hand to the private table at the back of the italian restaurant to meet my mother.

I spot my mother sitting down, going through her phone as her Chanel bag resting on the table. She glances to me, as me and Leah make our way to the table. She looked very much confused as to why I have a kid holding my hand.

"Hi mother." I let go of the little girls hand to give my mom a small hug. She looks down at the little girl beside me, "This is Leah, she asked for a photo but the crowd was too wild, so I let her through here" I introduced. "Hi ma'am" Leah says politely.

We sat on our seats, with Leah beside me. "Well, this is quite the surprise, I really thought you had a kid without telling me." my mother jokes.

Let's be real, me and Sebastian are still soon to be in that stage.

Me, mother, and Leah enjoyed our pasta and our ice cream as well. My mother enjoyed the company of a little girl, she said that Leah reminded her of me, which what I also noticed.

Me and my mother said our goodbyes, and sadly, Leah had to go as well. I didn't even get to meet her parents, she said, that she'll meet them at the nearest library, I asked if she needed me, and she said no, which left me sad. I really liked the kid.

I entered my car, and scrolled through my phone, and immediately notifications started flooding. Pictures of me and Leah were all around.

Some headline saying, 'Y/n Robinson brings a little girl into a restaurant for a picture'. This is ridiculous, my every move is being reported worldwide.

— Soon, I arrive in my apartment, I flop my back to my couch. Today wasn't that bad, but I did need Sebastian's warm cuddles and his attempts on making a poached egg.

But just as I was getting ready to change my clothes, I noticed a person's silhouette standing in my room, it was a guy. I was panicking, I grabbed the nearest weapon I could hold, a vase. This is great. When I flicked the lights on, I nearly screamed

"What the hell are you doing with a vase in your hand?" Sebastian says chuckling. I sighed in relief but I was overjoyed in happiness, "Sebby!!" I screamed in excitement, running to him and hugging him with all my power.

"I missed you so fucking much!" he curses but grabbing my waist with his arm.


Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now