Chapter Twenty Seven

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Y/n's POV

I'm engaged.

Never in my life have I expected this to actually happen. I've always dreamt of spending forever with someone who genuinely liked me for me— not because of my wealth and my last name.

It's always been about how my life is obviously 'perfect', it's always been about how my body looks, how my face had one single pimple and people would judge me for it, or how I usually dress— but never about how I'm feeling that day.

Cameras and the media revolves around my family, and I can't avoid it even if I want to.

I've always dreamt of having a normal life. One where I could eat whatever I want, sleep for how long I want, dress however I want— now, I could do that.

Having Sebastian made life so much better for me, he made my life so much easier and a lot more full of happiness and life.

Meeting him unexpectedly is one thing I wish I could do all over again if it meant falling in love with him for the first time.

And now I'm right here, cuddled up in his arms with a ring on my finger— planning our future together.

If my 19 year old self would receive a photo of me cuddled up with Sebastian right now— she'd probably sob.

"What're you thinking about?", Sebastian asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Us." I answer simply.

"In a good way? or In a maybe I should've thought this through before I said 'yes' way?"

I chuckle, "In a good way baby! I would've never second thought getting married with you."

He sighs in relief, I swear this man.

We're back home by the way. Italy will now always be my favorite place to go to.

"Where do you we should get married?" I ask all of a sudden.

"As long as I get married to you, I'm okay with anything.", he kisses the top of my head.

"I know but— I don't want to get married where there are cameras everywhere. Maybe we should get married privately, and then when we're ready— we could post a photo of us. I just want to keep it lowkey and feel normal for once." I explain.

And yes, I want my family there and maybe some friends too— although I am not getting married with the whole camera crew around us like we're in some kind of a Keeping Up with the Kardashians reality show (I love the show though).

I just know my father would blab about making this wedding, the wedding of the century.

And I am so done with that. This is me and Sebastian's best part of our life, and I will not be stepped on just because my father prefers a whole documentary of how her daughter will finally get married.

"I agree. I think it's best for us to invite a few people and keep it on the down low.", I look up at his as he smiles back at me.

"I love you." I say softly as I kiss him.

"Love you, too." he mumbles in between our kiss.

I stand up from the couch leaving Sebastian hanging, "Where are you going?" he asks.

"Gonna post an official photo of my beautiful ring." I wink at him.

Scrolling through my photos to see which one I'd choose, I come across a photo that Sebastian took from my phone. He's holding my hand hand with the ring on it as I look the other way. This was the day after we got engaged.

We went to a rooftop while the sun was setting, and the champagne with a few blankets all scattered on the floor.

This was indeed— another surprise from Sebastian.

He never fails to leave me in awe.

Just a minute after I posted the picture and it's already blowing up, the comments— congratulating me and Sebastian, but some comments that are threatening me saying that my Fiancé is theirs

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Just a minute after I posted the picture and it's already blowing up, the comments— congratulating me and Sebastian, but some comments that are threatening me saying that my Fiancé is theirs. Damn.

On the brightside— atleast now people know, that I'm no longer available and a soon to be Mrs Stan.

I'm actually scared of what the media has to say about this— but, I don't give a fuck, I said yes to the man of my dreams, nobody can tell me otherwise.


hope ya'll like this one!

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now