Chapter Forteen

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Everyone is in the other venue including you and Sebastian, others were outside and the rest was inside sat in separate designated tables. You and Sebastian were outside at the balcony.

You got cold so he lend you his jacket, he had on his sunglasses since the sun was still out with the champagne on his hands, you took out your polaroid to take a photo of him

The summer breeze of Brazil felt amazing, while you took Sebastian's photo he had his joking grumpy face on and put his hands out with the champagne.

The host and hostess of the wedding told everyone to come back inside and sit on the table we were assigned with, Sebastian took your hand as you went inside and sat at the table together with some friends of Sheena's, you didn't know any of them, but they sure knew the both of you

You crossed your legs sitting down, and Sebastian was sat next to you

"Oh my, Y/n Robertson and Sebastian Stan!" one of the friend across you said, "Hi!" you replied politely, she handed out her hand to be shaken, "Nice to meet you" as Sebastian shook her hand

"I cannot believe I'm sat with you guys, you're both absolutely gorgeous" as the other friend said, they all seemed so mesmerized, it felt awkward for the both of you and Sebastian, "Thank you so much" you thanked them happily for the compliment.

Everyone was so nice at that table.

Before dinner started, some of the bridesmaids and groomsmen had to make speech for both the bride and groom, and first in line was you

"May we call out Miss Y/n Robertson for a message to the newlyweds!" the hostess said as the rest of the people in that room clapped for you,

you stood up and took off the jacket of Sebastian, you went at the stage and took the microphone from the hostess, Sheena and her husband was seated in front of you, you saw people grabbing their phones out to take videos and photos of you, it felt weird but you were used to it.

"Okay, where do I even start..." you chuckled nervously, "Sheena, we've known each other since highschool, we never really got along that much, because she was definitely a bully" you said jokingly and people laughed, "No, but like she was there for me at times where I needed her. I never really got to experience face to face school that much I think we all know why, but Sheena was always there to facetime me whenever I needed a friend and I'm thankful for that!" you smiled at Sheena as you said those beautiful words,

"And for the husband, thank you for making her happy, don't break her heart, this one's one in a million... congrats to the both of you!" you said cheers and left the stage, went back to the table.

You sat down, "That's a beautiful speech V" Sebastian told you. After the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen have done their speech, everyone ate dinner.

It was great dinner, and lots of talks with the rest of the people at the table with you and Sebastian, "How'd you guys meet?" someone asked from beside you as you were eating dinner

"Venice, he was filming a movie" you answered, "And she was on a vacation" and Sebastian added, the both of you smiled.

They were so interested in your relationship, it's adorable.

"I'm actually so starstruck" the girl beside you said, "I mean hello?! Y/n and Sebastian Stan sitting with us?!" she exaggerated, "Well, we're really glad to have met you all" you and Sebastian chuckled.

It was a pleasure to meet them, the fact that they admire the both of you so much, it makes your heart ache, the amount of compliments you had today, or rather, in this trip, made you feel so overwhelmed.

It's 7:00 at night, and everyone's dancing, but before that, the bride and groom had their first dance, it was so romantic, after that, tables have turned and it became a party

Sheena went to your table and approached you to go dancing, "C'mon! Let's go dance!" she told you as she grabbed your hand and pulled you from your chair, "Noo, I'm alright!" you told her, denying, "Oh please! You were so fun in highschool! Sebastian can you please make her say yes?" she asked Sebastian

"Go on, it's her day" he convinced you, and you said "Fine!". Sheena brought you to the dance floor and the music turned on, you took your heels of and Sebastian, as the gentleman he is, he carried it

You jumped with happiness, you had the widest smile pasted on your face, you looked over to Sebastian as you caught him gazing at you again, you smiled and chuckled at him, and mouthed "I love you.."

You continued dancing, with your hands up, until the song decided to change and turned into a slow dance, you went over to Sebastian and grabbed his hand, "Your turn baby!" you told him with excitement, "Well how could I resist you?" he said with a smile on his face

You leaded the way to the dance floor, he had his hands wrapped on your waist, and you arms on his shoulders, the both of you danced slowly

You gently put your head on his chest, the both of you swayed gracefully

He looked down at you, and you looked at his eyes, his blue eyes, lighting up the whole room, "Thank you for being my date" you tiptoed and kissed him softly, "Anything for you" he kissed you back

The music stopped and everyone went back to their tables, Sebastian held your hand

Sheena and her now Husband went up to the stage, "Thank you to everyone who celebrated our wedding with us, we're eternally grateful for all of you.." they said their ending speech

It was time to go home, you put back your heels and fixed yourself, it got cold out tonight so Sebastian took his jacket off and wrapped it to your shoulder,

The both of you said thank you and goodbye to Sheena and the groom, "Thank you for inviting us again, congrats!" you told Sheena and the groom as the both of you went outside and waited in the valet,

Some of the visitors came to you and Sebastian to take pictures, they were so polite

"We have to go, thank you!" as your car arrived, you and Sebastian got inside and waved goodbye.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now