Chapter Seventeen

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[There will be sexual content in this chapter. I'll be putting * before the scene, just in case any of you guys are uncomfortable and want to skip it.]

Sebastian's POV

I was exhausted from work, I missed y/n really badly. She's my comfort and my medicine to when I feel down, and same went with her.

Honestly— I never thought having her would make me appreciate life more. I love her.

"Can I have an early leave tomorrow? I got some busy event coming up." I told my manager. "Sure, it's just meetings for tomorrow. I'm sure I could fill you in with the details." my manager explained.

Finally. I get to see the love of my life.

"Great." I thanked my manager before I left the building.

I haven't seen y/n for two days, and it feels like forever. Even if we've been facetiming everyday, I missed her laugh, her warmth, and her voice. So— I decided to not tell her that I was coming back, I wanted to surprise her.

And she was surprised. Obviously we miss each other too much that we needed to calm down our sex drive, and so— we did.

Y/n was sleeping calmly on top of my chest, she had her hair flow down her face, and I couldn't help but smile— she's mine, and I'm her's. I moved her hair from her face and it made her groan. Slowly, she opened her eyes and immediately lit up when our eyes met. "Good Morning my love." she says groggily, her smile not leaving. "Good Morning baby" I reply.

Waking up next to her made my stomach flutter with butterflies, and I haven't felt this in a while. Y/n Robertson made me feel what love is.

We soon got up from bed, brushed our teeth, and ate breakfast. She cooked of course, she hates my sunny side ups, since I mostly burn all of it and it tasted like shit, not gonna lie.

"Here you go." she passed me a plate that had bacon and scrambled eggs on it. I smiled at her, she was standing across me from the island table. "What made you go home sooner?" she asked.

Obviously her.

I stood up from my seat and wrapped my arms in her waist from behind her, her head leaning on my chest. "I couldn't help but crave you." I teased as I slid my hand to her lower abdomen. She chuckled at my touch. "Seb!", reacts and stops my hand from going any further. "I'm sore as fuck right now, calm your little buddy." she chuckles.

I was obviously hard right now. Who wouldn't if you had the best woman you could possibly love.

I moved her hair to the side, giving me extra space as I kissed her neck, close to her collarbone. She muffled a moan as she leaned her neck to my shoulders giving me more space. "You sure?" I mumbled against her neck. I flipped her facing me, and lifted her up to my waist and landed her to the island counter. I immediately moved my lips to her, kissing deeper as she slid her mouth in mine.

She mumbles a moan. "fuck." I say under my breath. This woman will be the death of me. My hands move to her legs, spreading them, keeping me in between her. I move my hands to the inside of her thigh. She wasn't wearing pants, just underwear, and my shirt that's obviously too large for her.

"Wonder what you've been doing for the past two days without me." she mumbles, her lips still attached to mine. "Baby, it'd be too much for you to handle." I smirk as I move my hands to the lace of her underwear.

"Condom." she mumbles as she arches her back. "It's in the room." I reply, "Hurry up and get it." she demands.

I come back to her still sitting on the counter, my pants couldn't get any tighter. She slid down her underwear, and I pull down my pants making my manhood show the huge boner she caused. I put the condom in, and held her waist.

I thrust in her making her moan in pleasure and tilting her head back as I thrust in and out. "Jesus fuck." she cursed. My lips move to her neck, kissing her endlessly. I groan as I continue to thrust back in her again.

I was near my climax, and so was she. After one last thrust, she moaned out loudly, the orgasm I gave her made her lie down on the counter. I took the condom off and disposed it. I pulled her up, and she jumped back to the floor, "I don't think I can walk properly for a week.", I chuckle as she put on her underwear.

We both went to the shower, and shit, we really couldn't keep our hands to ourselves.


A few hours passed by, and we decided to walk around New York. My arms on her shoulder and hers at my waist. "I missed you." she leans her head to my shoulder. "I missed you too, V." I kissed the top of her head.

We came up to a bench that faces the river and the beautiful trees. Not as beautiful as her though. "How many kids would you want?" she asked out of the blue. I quickly turn my head to her, her eyes on mine. "What made you think about it?" I asked. She hummed before answering, "I'm just curious." she shrugged. I gave her peck on her cheek, "What about two?" I smiled at her.

I feel weirdly satisfied that I'm talking about the future with her.

"Yeah. Two would be nice." She chuckles and leans her head to my shoulders as my hand rests on her thigh. "I love you, you know that right?", she cupped my face with her hands, "I love you, Sebastian Stan." she made sure of me.

Suddenly, I thought further. What if I'm ready? What if I'm ready to love her forevermore. To love Y/n endlessly and give her the assurance that I will. And I am sure, that she is the woman I've been waiting for.


How do you guys like this chapter?? Ahh!! Well I guess we'll see. I'm changing how I write the story for a bit. I've turned it into both POV's because I think you'd understand their story better.


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