Chapter Twenty

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Sebastian's POV

It's been three days since our argument. Three days of hell. Three days of not having to hold her.

I know I fucked up. I shouldn't have said those awful words to her, I now know that I'm the shittiest boyfriend.

I've been trying to contact her, but I never showed up to her door, I'm too scared. I know, it's fucked up, but I'm scared she'll break up with me, I keep avoiding her, and she's doing the same.

I miss her and it hurts.

I've been reflecting on my actions lately, and those words she said kept replaying in my head.

She asked if I wanted to marry her, fuck yeah I do. Who wouldn't? It was all good already, I said yes. But, I had to bring up that I'm asking if she'd like me to quit my career. I shouldn't even have said that, she was just asking.

I screwed up. I'm losing the person that understands and loved me endlessly.


"Hey", I said softly as she opened the door. She looked like she hasn't gotten any sleep. The bags under her eyes and her puffy eyelids. She's been crying, because of me.

She stood there with no expression.

"You gonna be an asshole?", she finally stated. She walked inside leaving the door an inch for me to come in.

She sat on the bar stool of the island table in the kitchen with the coffee mug in her hands. "Can we talk?" I sat beside her. "Don't mind if you do" she gave a small smile.

"Hey, look at me", I held her chin making her turn to me, "I'm sorry Y/n."

She didn't give an expression, her eyes were building up tears.

"I'm sorry, I love you. I'm never pulling that shit ever again okay? I'm sorry I said those words, I never meant it, not a single one. Yes, I do see my future with you. I want kids with you, and I don't see any other woman to spend the rest of my life with. I love you. Nothing will ever change that", I brushed her tear away with my thumb, "Sunt al tău, bine frumos?"

[I'm yours, okay beautiful?]

And finally, I saw that smile. "I love you, too." she smiled brighter, the smile I've been longing to see since I left this apartment.

I hugged her from the waist and kissed her softly. I miss her, I missed her touch.

"Don't ever act like an asshole ever again", she looked at me, "Or I'll throw your Romanian ass out of my life.", she chuckles.

"I missed you." I stated.

"I missed you too, my love."


Y/n's POV

I'm glad I finally got to hold him. I've been crying, stress eating, and sniffing for the past three days. It was three days of hell without Sebastian.

Now— I got him comforting me in his arms, listening to his heartbeats. He said I love you so many times today, and I've said the same.

I felt so good around him yet it feels like our conversation three days ago isn't done yet.

"You okay?", he cut me out of my trance.

"Yeah," I started off, "What took you so long to show up?", I finally asked.

"I was scared," he looked at the floor, "Scared, that you might realize that I'm no longer good for you."

This saddens me— Sebastian thinks he's not good for me anymore, and this was only the 2nd argument we've had, what more in the future?

Our first argument was when I never replied or answered any of his calls when I was out partying with some friends, that I didn't know I had. He got so upset that he showed up to the private club, and I was wasted.

"Don't ever think that, okay? I wasn't thinking of breaking up with you at all. I just thought you—we needed a time off to realize that we can't just rely on each other," I chuckle softly, "But I now know that you're the only guy that made me feel like I'm not alone." I looked at him.

"I love you." he said softly.

"I love you too."

I finally have his assurance of my future with him. But I know there are gonna be stress, obstacles, challenges we'd occur, but I have no idea if one of those would bring us down.

Sebastian is the kind of guy who'd be so shy when it comes to the media's eyes, especially when he gets compliments, he squints his eyes and smiles awkwardly. He really doesn't know how attractive he is.

What a weirdo.

And then, he flirts with you, but acts like he isn't. He says it comes off, 'naturally', I can't with him. I love him so much, it hurts.

But, I'm the kind of person who's never had someone to genuinely love, except for my puppy when I was in first grade, her name was Penelope.

I barely saw my parents, except when I'm still awake at 3 am in the morning and they come home. I don't think they ever even attended my school events, but gladly, their assistants did, and a few security.

I know— my life sucks ass.

But now I got the most unexpected person I'd love, Sebastian Stan. God, if I could tell my old self that I'd meet a guy in an airport and fall in love in Venice, I'd be laughing my ass off.

Everything I feel for Sebastian, feels so euphoric and every second of everyday with him is memorable.

He's the home I never thought I could have.

"You're so pretty Seb." I smile at him as our eyes meet, and again— he puts two of his fingers at the bridge of his nose and smiles, and to top it all off, he's blushing.

"Mă faci mereu să mă simt așa, dar nu-mi pasă pentru că aș vrea în continuare în viitorul meu.", he says in Romanian. I'm gonna start learning Romanian to understand this guy.

[You always make me feel like this, but I don't care cause I still want you in my future.]

"Don't talk shit on me in Romanian, do you not know I understood what you said?" I teased him as his eyebrows raised.

"Really?" he doubts me, going along with it.

"Yeah! You said 'You're face looks like ma faci!" I try using one of his Romanian words.

[you make me]

"Oh, well I'm sorry" he laughs.

I wish this is us everyday.

Just always in each other's arms and not worrying about what the world thinks.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the late update! But here ya go!

Also— I'm not Romanian so if I get some of the translations or words wrong, I'm so sorry, I only use google translate soo.. I'm sorry!!


Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now