Chapter Fifteen

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You and Sebastian just arrived at the hotel, the both of you needed to go home that night since Sebastian has a photoshoot tomorrow morning in Malibu.

He'll be flying out first thing, it makes you sad but you're still very happy for him. You're actually getting quite used to it, you and Sebastian are always busy yet the both of you still make enough time for each other

And the fact that he came with you on this trip even if he has a busy schedule, it really makes your stomach get filled with butterflies.

As you arrived in your hotel room, since you and Sebastian's flight is at 12:00 midnight, the both of you decided to rest for a bit

You and him changed to a more comfortable outfit, you've got your sweatpants and a tank top on, which you'll be putting a hoodie over it. And Sebastian had his black pants and a sweatshirt.

The both of you laid in bed, beside each other, "Seb, thank you for coming with me even if you've got a busy schedule tomorrow..." you told him while you were laying your head on his chest, "Are you kidding? I'll always find a way" he chuckled as he kissed your head gently.

You felt Sebastian's comfort as you slept, you got so tired with all the dancing you did, it was hilarious and he's been teasing you. You were sleeping for quite a while until you felt the space beside you, Sebastian wasn't there, you opened your eyes to find him sitting by the chair and drinking some coffee

"What are you doing..?" you said weakly since you just woke up, "It's almost 11:00, I didn't mean to wake you up yet, I just needed some coffee to wake me up" he said, "Did you even rest?" you asked, "A bit, yeah, don't worry about me" Sebastian answered

You got up and packed all your things, you and Sebastian went to the lobby to check-out, he took care of all of it, while you waited next to him, "Thank you for your stay Mr Stan and Miss Robertson", the hotel cashier said, as the both of you smiled and left

You and Sebastian got in your car and went on your way to the airport, you decided to text Sheena and tell her you were gonna go back to New York

'Hey Sheena, me and sebastian will be going home tonight, we've got some busy work schedule for tomorrow :( but, thank u for inviting us, we're both so happy for you. See u soon again xx -Y/n' you texted, you and Sebastian were at the backseat, you leaned your head to his shoulders as he leaned his head to yours

A few moments later Sheena replied, 'Alrighty, stay safe! Thank u for coming to our wedding, the guests were beyond excited and glad to see the both of you, they were definitely all screaming inside !! I'll be missing u and mostly your boyfriend jk! stay safe!' Sheena replied, you chuckled as you were reading her text.

The both of you arrived at the airport soon, and went on your way to New York, the airport was quite busy since it's 12:00 midnight.

It took 7 hours and 53 minutes to get to New York, you'll just be stopping at New York, after that, Sebastian will stay at the plane and go to Los Angeles for his photoshoot

A few hours later, the plane landed New York and you had to say goodbye to Sebastian, he'll be staying there for two days since he also needs to manage some things back there.

"I'll see you in two days" you hugged him and kissed him one last time before you left the plane, "I'll miss you" he said as he kissed your cheek again.

You hopped off the plane and waved at the plane as it left, you felt emotional even if it'll only be two days, now you don't know how to entertain yourself.

You went inside the airport, it's 7:00 in the morning, and the paparazzi's were already waiting for you outside, you had on Sebastian's hoodie so you had the hood on to avoid your face from the cameras,

You walked outside and got in your car, drove to your apartment and blasted some music on the way.

As you arrived the to your apartment, you actually missed it, your own bed, the scent of your living room, but ofcourse there's an empty space in you, your goofball boyfriend wasn't around, no one to cheer you up

You were really jet lagged and exhausted since you barely have gotten any sleep, so you washed your face, you got all your suitcases inside and went to bed.

Everything felt normal, you were always on your own before you even met Sebastian. Your parents would always be somewhere else, far from you. Now that you're an adult, you'd mostly stay at home, or if not, you'd be walking and around New York.

You slept calmly.

You woke up a few hours later, it's 5:00 in the afternoon, so you got up and showered, and decided to go out for some matcha latte,

You opened your phone, as you clicked Instagram's explore page, you and Sebastian were all over it, the pictures and videos of the both of you, the news media all over, especially the video of you dancing, it was hilarious.

After seeing all those, you suddenly missed Sebastian, coincidentally, he texted you, "Just landed. Miss you." his text said, "Stay safe, love u." you replied.

You stood up and got your brown leather pants on with grey tank top and your Louis Vuitton purse.

After you grabbed everything you needed, you went out and went for a run, it wasn't that cold in New York, well it was, so you had a brown coat on.

You left and went to your car, and drove to your favorite coffee shop.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now