Chapter Twelve

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The girls, Sheena and You, are on a ride going to the club and one of the girls started asking about you and Sebastian, "Soo.. Y/n is it?" one of the girls approached you, "Mhm" you replied, "How'd you get so lucky, I know I'm suppose to ask the bride, but hello? You're dating Sebastian Stan!" she said.

For you it felt rude since you aren't the one getting married and it isn't your place, especially that some people would think you've sabotaged Sheena's wedding.

"Well.." you chuckled nervously, "I feel very lucky, he's great, I honestly got no words that I got to make him fall inlove with me" you said jokingly, everything you said seemed normal to say, it's like everyday people ask about your relationship,

You looked over to Sheena as you answered the question, "Anyways! Let's ask about Sheena's man, like she's the one getting married!!" you told the girls, "I'm getting married so of course he's amazing!" Sheena replied so exciting.

As the car arrived to the club, you guys have entered and of course everybody had to be legal, it was an open club, a very island theme. "This is amazing Sheena" you told her, you guys got a few drinks.

The funny part is that some guys approached all of you, different languages were said, there was this guy who approached you, "Hey honey" he said with a Brazilian accent, "You American?" he asked in the same accent, "Sorry, got a boyfriend" you told him politely and he apologized.

"Wow! You really are Y/n Robertson! I mean who wouldn't approach you, you're literally gorgeous" the girls said and complimented you, "Not as gorgeous as the bride!" you replied, you needed to lighten up Sheena's mood, her head was always looking down.

"You okay Sheena?" you asked her, she looked up at you, "Huh? Yea!" she replied so suspiciously.

All of you decided to go to the dance floor, you cheered up so much, it felt amazing to actually be able to experience this. You can't remember the last time you went partying

It was 10 minutes of being on that dance floor but it felt like an hour, you got so tired that you needed to sit down by the bar and get drink to hydrate yourself, as you were sitting down, your phone started buzzing and you looked down as you saw Sebastian calling

"Having fun?" He asked you, "It's amazing Seb, I wish you were here!" you said loudly since the music was too loud, "Miss you too baby, see you later" he told you as he put down the phone to check up on you.

The bridesmaids and Sheena sat down with you, "was that Sebastian?" they asked, "Yup, he's just checking up on me" you answered, they were in awe and jealousy in a good way, "God! I wish I had that" one of the girls told you

"How about.. we take a picture" as you took put your phone, "Here's to Sheena!" you yelled as you took the photo, "You guys are amazing, and to Sheena, you're absolutely a strong and gorgeous woman, I'm so happy that you finally found the man you've been dreaming of!" You gave a small speech for Sheena

"Thanks babe" She mouthed to you and smiled.

After a few hours of partying and drinking tequilas, all of you got tired and decided to go home and give the bride her beauty sleep.

Before you entered your room, and as Sheena was entering hers, "Goodluck tomorrow babe, see you tomorrow wifey" you told her jokingly and entered your room

Sebastian was there getting a glass of water, "Sebby!!" you called him out and ran to him as he carried you in his arms "I missed you" you told him, "Oh god, you really had fun, get dressed babe" he kissed you

You went and took a shower, you've got your hoodie on, Sebastian's tuxedo was hanged in the closet beside your dress.

You jumped into bed, it was still 7:00 at night, "Have you eaten?" you asked Sebastian, "Not yet, wanna room service some food?" he asked you, "Sure, steak would be nice" you replied

Sebastian called the lobby to order some food and it would take 20 minutes to come up.

"Wanna do something it's here?" he smirked and chuckled to kiss you gently, he kept going and going, clothes off, and passionately kissing.

"Room service!" as someone knocked on the door, "That fast?!" you said, Sebastian got up and put his boxers on, shirtless, as he opened the door, the room service was about to enter, "It's okay buddy, I'll do it" Sebastian said, and you laughed as you overheard it.

You wrapped the sheets on your body as you sat up and ate on the bed with Sebastian.

After 30 minutes, you guys were already full, you didn't need to put your clothes back on since everything felt comfortable

The both of you decided to clean up and slept for the big day tomorrow.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! sorry if it's taking so long to update and upload the next parts, it's getting quite busy here! But don't worry, I'm always working on it! 🥰

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now