Chapter Thirty-One

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Y/N's POV:

Waking up, I feel a heavy thing draped around my stomach— I flutter my eyes open and see an arm, then it clicked— I don't think I'll ever get used to Sebastian living me, considering he's my fiancé.

I sigh and carefully sat up as I take his arm off— and when I've finally stood up, I put a pillow underneath his arms— because trust me, this man is needy.

I grab Sebastian's shirt from the couch of my bedroom, he's like a fucking snake— just scatters his shirt and pants everywhere, you won't believe the amount of arguments we have because of this.

It's kinda funny if you think about it.

Done with brushing my teeth, washed my face, and kissing Sebastian before going to the kitchen.

I drink my water, and made sure to make some coffee for my never needy fiancé— cue the sarcasm!

Making breakfast is the best part of starting my day, I have no idea why, but it seems so therapeutic, especially playing music and dancing to the rhythm while having the spatula in my hand— which is why...

"Alexa, play Paper Rings by Taylor Swift, volume to 60 percent."

Who doesn't want to hear Taylor Swift in the morning? Are you even human if not?

Swaying my hips left and right while placing one sunny side up eggs each plate, I hear the bedroom door shut as Sebastian walks out of the room shirtless— his hair all messy.

"Morning babe." He says with that deep raspy morning voice of his as he walks toward me and kisses the side of my head.

"Morning lubirea mea!", I try making my accent as Romanian as possible with those last two words— and yes, I did research what 'my love' is in Romanian— and by the look of Sebastian's furrowed and weird expression, I don't think my accent or the wag I said it was very Romanian-ish.

A+ for effort!

"Babe, were you up until 2am in the morning to search the translation of 'my love' in Roman?" He chuckles, an interesting glint in his eyes showing.

I just know this man will tease me again.

"So? Was it that bad? It wasn't that bad, I'll continue to call you that." I smirk.

His hands never leaving the small of my back as he reaches for the water on the counter.

"You tried babe." He laughs. Pft!

"I'm the best girlfriend might I say."

"Fiancé, how could you forget? You got that rock on your finger?" I teases me again. This man doesn't stop, that's my bad oops.

Speaking of marriage— Sebastian got done with his fittings and he refuses to tell me what color his suit is— which I'm going to force out of him since I need to know what color it really is, how am I suppose to match the wedding with me and him?

Sitting down next to him in our dining table.

"Mind telling me what color your suit is?" I ask slowly, as he slices an egg and eats.

Didn't even look at me. Na-da.

"Okay— maybe the texture?" I kept asking, you know, just pushing him.

This is kinda fun.

"Nope." he smirks, he knows what I'm doing and I hate that he knows what I'm doing.

"Babee come on! I need to know— because if I don't then I don't know how I'm going to do my hair, my makeup, how to choose my heels. How I'm going to look beside you with my wedding dress— or will I even look good with your suit and my wedding dress, will we even match-"

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now