Chapter Thirty-Four

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Can you believe it? Three months have passed. Three months of exhaustion— of stress. Of thinking if our wedding would be what I've imagined it.

I am in awe of how far we've come.

Yes— I am guilty of being a bridezilla every no and then, but— I need that strong exterior, for goodness hell this is our wedding, a once in a lifetime.

I still can't believe I'm marrying the man of my dreams. It's been such a long road.

I know that most weddings take years to plan— but why not get married earlier?

I can't even thank Cassie enough for making this happen with me. I am so grateful for her.

I've sent multiple invitations to my friends, mostly some models since it's that kind of industry we live in. And a few of Sebastian's co-stars and friends as well.

Two more months until I'm getting married.

Changing my clothes for the day— I have a few errands to run, my wedding dress is made, and I've gotten my heels made as well, so I'm gonna check it out for final touches.

Same goes with Sebastian.

Grabbing my YSL purse, and putting my shoes on— I leave the apartment.

"Hi Charlie!" I greet my driver.

"Hello Miss Robertson! Where to?" He asks

"Let's drop by Vera Wang— then maybe the mall, I kinda want to do some shopping."

The car takes off.

New York— the people around, everyone gathered up in the stoplights waiting, with their phone in their ear. I can almost hear them shouting from inside this car.

I see some vandalized wall in the corner of the street as we pass by. Damn.

Arriving Vera Wang, I enter the building with the greetings of the workers.

"Hi, how are you Em?" The receptionist by the counter replies, "I'm great Miss Robertson." She smiles at me. Love her.

"The meeting's on the 5th floor to your right."

Entering the elevator, I press on the 5th floor. The calm music filling up my ears as the ding from the elevator rings.

Okay so 5th floor to my right.

I see Vera Wang over the glass window doors as she waves at me to come in.

"You look such a beaut Y/n!" she hugs me.

Love her as well.

"Hi Vera— likewise." I say.

Sitting down on the meeting table, some tailor's standing on the end of the room.

"So— we're done with your dress. Why don't we check it out? Yes?" Vera she smiles at me.

I'm so excited. I'm literally shaking, my hands are sweaty as fuck right now.

"Let's see it!" I clasp my hand together.

Rolling my dress in— it's in a statue. Holy fuck.


My eyes are out their pockets right now.

"Holy shit..." I mumble.

The dress..

Oh my goodness it's gorgeous. I can cry right now. The touches, everything. This is everything I could've ever imagined and now it's here! Literally in front of me— this is the dress I'm wearing on my wedding day. This is the dress I'm wearing saying my vows to Sebastian.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now