Chapter Thirty

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This story is almost ending :(( And I will try and make it unforgettable in a good way, as much as possible <33

A Month Later...

Getting my measurements is so exciting! They've already came up with designs. And what makes it so exciting is how I know that my ideas and my dream dress is about to come to life— thank you Vera Wang!

Sebastian will get his measurements tomorrow— his suit will be designed by the incredible team of Tommy Hilfiger. I have no idea what color of his suit will be, whatever that man wants will do— after all, he's the one that's dealing with my shit for eternity.

Also, yes, we do have our own private wedding planner.

This is going to be such a very busy week, considering the fact that I have lunch with my parents tomorrow, a shoot for Louis Vuitton, and interview, and a meeting with my wedding planner—

On top of that, I think I have to fly to Paris for another meeting with Dior— we'll be making my own fragrance! Are you kidding me? This is such a dream. Except for the fact that I'll be exhausted as shit.

"So? How do you feel about this?" My bestfriend Sheena cuts me out of my mind.

Shit, totally forgot I was physically in the real world.

"About what?" I reply.

"The wedding?," her eyebrows furrowed, "Are you okay? You look like you lack sleep"

Of course I lack sleep— I've been planning and have been on calls all week, I'm fucking exhausted. It's a good thing I have Sebastian— he would insist on giving me head massages.

"Yeah!" I say enthusiastically, you know, just to hide my boredom, "Everything fine, I just have a lot on my plate. I'm actually surprised how I had time for us to have lunch" I joke.

"I totally get you— Wedding planning is soo exhausting, trust me. But at the end of the day, it's the one of the most important part of your life." Sheena says as she drinks her latte.

Did I ever mention that she's pregnant? Yup, Sheena, pregnant. Three days after their wedding, that was fast.

Here goes the baby talk in three...two...on-

"Babies are so exhausting as well, I can't wait to see my little girl- or boy, I have no idea— still waiting til my 5th month of pregnancy!", I'm sure she doesn't stop from there. She never does. "What about you? Have you and Seb ever talk about babies?", And there goes the question I've been dying to hear.

Cue the sarcasm.

I try to look as interested as possible, I don't even know why my assistant would put this lunch in my schedule. I gave Sheena the benefit of the doubt just because she's pregnant.

"That's not really what our minds are on yet. Still focusing on the wedding— and our present. I'm sure we'd have time to think about family." I give a polite smile.

I need to find a way to get outta here.

I check my phone as an excuse, "Oh look at that! I told Sebastian I'd be home by 4:00 and it's 4:01" I try to act as frustrated as possible.

Oh and the '4:00' thing? fake. Sebastian would never control my time, he'd just check up on me every once in a while, except if we have occasions, then, I would definitely need to be home on time. Nonetheless— he understands me a lot.

Finally out of my lunch or dinner with Sheena, she could talk for hours without water— I find it very interesting honestly. How does one even do that?

"Baby? I'm home!" I enter the foyer, smelling steak! Yup, my man knows how to cook.

Walking towards the kitchen, I see Sebastian with an apron, shirtless underneath. Hot damn— okay maybe not the most suitable words to say, but, fuck, my fiancé is hot.

I go around the island and hug him from behind, kissing the back of his neck.

"Hey" He turns his head on me for a second before looking back at what he's cooking.

I put my hands underneath the apron, feeling his abs.

"Hi" I reply.

"How was lunch with Sheena?" he smirks, this guy already knows what I'm about to say and yet he continues to tease me.

I let go of him and walk toward the other side of the island, "Don't even start" I roll my eyes as I sit on the barstool facing him. "She talks so much, she's very energetic for a pregnant woman— oh! And she asked me about babies again, that woman doesn't stop!" I rant.

This isn't the first time Sheena talked about babies and me and Sebastian.

The polite and kind fiancé of mine, laughs hysterically— I give him one look. The look that he understands. The 'stop laughing, it's not funny' look.

"Awee babe, I was just joking." He turns the stove off and walks behind me.

Giving him a straight but pouty face, he kissed my lips. And I immediately give in. God, the power this man has on me.

My hands suddenly land on the tie at the back of his apron and pull it off,

"Ah! ah! No, we're eating dinner." he pulls away, giving me a quick peck.

"You're no fun." I tease.

He continues his little cooking session, and made sure to make a very pleasing plating.

Then— we finally eat dinner, of course still with his shirt off. This man is a tease.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now