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Surprise! An epilogue for you guys. Hope you guys like it!

Sebastian's POV:

You know when they say "Happy Wife, Happy Life"? 

Yup, that's definitely true.

Me and Y/n has been through a lot-- like a lot.

"Babe stop looking at me like that"

"I'm sorry! You look like you're in so much pain"

"Are you nuts! Of course I'm in pain-- a baby will come out off my fucking vagina."

Yikes, maybe I shouldn't have said that.

I'm actually going to be a father. Let me tell you that we got pregnant unexpectedly, but sure, maybe we should have expected it since we didn't use a condom after the wedding. But fuck, I'm going to have a family-- the family I've dreamt of.

Every time I would look at my wife, all I see are colors I've never seen before. You know, before her-- I had nothing. I didn't get to wake up in the morning with a woman I could love or call mine. I'm one lucky man to even go beyond and be able to finally love a person who deserves to be loved. 

We needed each other. We know each other in ways nobody else can't. We speak languages we can't speak with anyone else. It's just us-- us, and our baby that I'm about to meet.

If I get to survive her grip in my hands right now.

"I need you to calm down, and take deep breaths Mrs Stan" The doctor says, and Y/n follows

Did I mention that we moved to this house-- still in New York. But it's a house. Not a penthouse or an apartment. It's got 4 floors and a modern but classic interior, with a loft vibe to it.


It's all Y/n who designed it. She didn't want me 'interfering with her ideas'-- the hell I will! I would still want to live and escape her wrath. Kidding-- I love her even if she's scary.

"Mr Sebastian?"

Especially with periods-

"SEBASTIAN!" Shouts Y/n

"Yeah?" I answer... very scared.

"I can see the baby's head." said the doctor.

We decided to have a home birth, to prevent the risk of having the paparazzis take pictures of my wife going in the hospital. This will keep us and my family's privacy.

"You got this baby." I try to comfort her before she pushes.

"A little more and the baby will come out." 

"C'mon babe, a little more baby. You got this." I give her a comforting smile. Even if I know it won't help anything.

I close my eyes together with Y/n.

I don't show it but-- I'm scared. I've always been scared since the day I found out we're pregnant. I didn't know if I was ready, or if I would be a good father. It's scary. To think that you'll one day have a little person you're holding, and you get to watch her grow up.

I don't show that I'm scared though. I want to be the man, the strong person. I want to be strong enough for Y/n.

Suddenly I hear crying. And my thoughts are cut off.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now