Chapter Six

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The After Party..

You changed your dress into a White YSL backless dress with silver crossed strap on the back. Your hair was curled and tied up.

It was a private club party, just all the cast, with you and Sebastian. Before you enter there were paparazzi's outside, you hopped out the car, and held hands with Sebastian as he leaded the way to the door, the cameras started flashing light every second, you covered your eyes on the way to door.

They were blasting music, different colors of lights inside, you saw the cast mates of Sebastian and you went there, he held your waist walking to the rest of the cast.

You sat in the chair next to Sebastian. "I'll get you a drink, what do you want?" he asked you loudly since the music was way to loud for you to hear, "y/f/d that's all" you replied back, he got your drinks and you were left with the rest of the casts.

"Hi!" the director took out his hand to shake yours, "Y/n Robertson right? Pleasure to meet you" you shook hands, "Pleasure's mine" you said and smiled. The rest of the cast introduced themselves to you, til' you got to talk to them more.

Sebastian came back, and saw you laughing with the rest of the casts, "What'd I miss?" he asked all of you, he seemed to be confused that you got along so well.

"Look I'm really sorry that I made a wrong impression to you and Sebastian, I respect you Y/n" Emily told you, she apologized for the way she acted, you accepted the apology. The both of you got along and started laughing with each other.

"Emily is so funny!" you laughed as you told Sebastian, "I'll borrow your girl Seabass!" Emily took you hand to go for a dance.

The song started blasting, the fun started to increase, everything was nothing but laughs. You and Emily danced together, like nothing happened between the both you. You guys looked so drunk, laughing, and dancing off of each other.

Sebastian approached the both of you, "Alright! That's good enough, go and sit down Em" he told Emily, "Byeee!" you waved to Emily drunkenly while you stayed in the dance floor.

You grabbed Sebastian's hand, "Come on baby, dance with me!!" you told him, "No no! come on y/n!" he told you loudly. The song "Feel So Close" started playing, and you jumped to the music, Sebastian laughed at you as you danced,

"Alright that's enough! Let's go!" he carried you to the table of the cast mates, "Sebastian Stan! Put me down! Oh my god, my whole ass is showing" you told him, as he put you down, "I like her SeaBass!" said the other cast, "I love her!" Sebastian replied back.

You went and left the party, you got a bit sober before leaving, the paparazzi's were still there, Sebastian lead the way to the car, holding your hand.

The both of you went straight to the hotel, as you showered and changed your clothes, as usual Sebastian would come with you.

You got your makeup off, and went to bed, Sebastian laid down beside you, he hugged you from behind, you face him and kissed him, "I love you, thank you for being my date tonight" he said softly, you smiled back at him, "Anything for you, and plus, I'm your only choice" you laughed, "I love you too, I'm beyond proud of you Seb."

He kissed your head, "I really saw a different part of you tonight, like really? Dancing with Emily? You hate her" he teased you, "Are you making fun of my dancing Mr Sebastian? I'm literally a professional, what are you talking about?" you said as you joked about it, "And Emily, I'm actually glad we got to know each other" you added.

You looked into each others eyes, but mostly you fell more in love with him, his eyes meeting yours, "You looked absolutely unreal tonight, like how could I be with you?!" you told Sebastian, he got shy and squinted his eyes, "Your gorgeous Y/n.." he replied.

You snuck into his arms and fell asleep, his head rested to yours. The warmest feeling will always be with him.

Every polaroid you would take are every memories you'd never want to forget with him, his eyes, how happy he is, you wanted to capture every moment, to capture the look in his eyes.

Authors Note:
Every cover photo of each chapter, are polaroids of what Y/n took of Sebastian.

(I really hope you guys are enjoying the sequel!!! I'm making it more intimate but in a good way, and even more about love!! 🥳)

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now