Chapter Eleven

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One Week Later...

You and Sebastian were invited to your friends' wedding, and it was in Brazil, and of course you took him as your date.

You're on your flight on the way to Brazil, and the wedding is tomorrow, this is somewhat a close friend of yours, but not exactly. Sheena, the girl you're attending to, is not exactly the greatest friend, you've both been through a lot and she's always been tough on you.

It's obvious that she invited you to see Sebastian, but you didn't want to be rude since the wedding is almost like a reunion for the friends you had in school before.

It's a 12 hour flight, and Sebastian is sleeping with his hood on and glasses on, the sun was streaming.

You were sat down with the champagne on your hand, and you suddenly noticed how calmly Sebastian was sleeping, you took a picture of him.

As you landed, you went to the hotel that the bride Sheena said where to check-in to like every other guests for the wedding.

You and Sebastian arrived later on and went to the reception, "I'm Y/n Robertson, for Sheena Beller? I'm here for the wedding" you told the receptionist,
"Hi ma'am, yes, and you have your plus one?" she asked, "Yup, my boyfriend" you answered, "Ah yes! Mr Sebastian Stan" she replied as she smiled ay Sebastian waiting in the lobby.

She gave you your room card and responded, "Have a nice stay!". You and Sebastian got your suitcases for one day, and you'll be going back to New York.

As you both enter the hallways, you saw the Sheena come out of the room she's from, your eyes widened, Sebastian was at your back following you, you had your suitcases with you, "Omg! Y/n! You're here!" she said as she came to hug you, "Hi, hi!" you said and parted hugs, "Congratulations!" you told her happily

"We're literally in the middle of a hallway, let's go to your room!" she added, "Oh and oh my god! Sebastian! I don't want to act crazy, you're so handsome" she chuckled, "You are one lucky girl Y/n" she told you as you were talking towards your hotel room door, "I am" you replied confident, "It's really nice to meet you, congrats!" Sebastian said.

You both entered the room and settled down, it wasn't fancy or anything, it was a normal hotel room suite, Sheena came along with the both of you.

"So? how are you?" she asked, as the both of you sat down on the couch and Sebastian went to the bathroom to clean up, "Me? I'm not the one getting married!" you told her chuckling, "Hm? We'll see about that huh Sebastian!" she called him out, you heard Sebastian laugh from the bathroom

"No, I, uh- I'm great, everything's feels amazing, you know, I've got a beautiful most amazing boyfriend, and still in New York so there's that!" you told Sheena, "Obviously?! I mean him??" Sheena chuckled, "Enough about me, how's everything? The wedding and stuff?",

Sebastian came out from the bathroom and sat down beside you.

"Well... in love with the guy, duh!" she pulled her hand out to show the ring, it was a silver ring with a simple diamond on it, "That's so pretty! I'm happy for you Sheena!" you told her,

"Well I gotta go and get ready," she said as she stood up, about to leave, "You should come with us, the bridesmaids! We'll be going to a bar here and dance! It's Brazil, it's gonna be so much fun!" she told you, "Yea Y/n, you should go" Sebastian said to you, "How about you?" you asked him, "I'll be fine! I'll find something to do!" he replied

You're not really into parties, but since it's all about Sheena's day, you had to give it a chance.

"Uh.. Sure! Why not!" you told Sheena, "Yey! I'll meet you after two hours at the lobby".

She left the room and went to hers. It's definitely almost a first for you to be out with a girl's night out, you don't really go out much since your whole life, it was about paparazzi's and the company of you parents.

Sebastian was jet lagged and went to the bed immediately, "Hey, you sure it's okay for me to go out?" you told him as you sneaked to his arms, "Baby, I'm not stopping you from anything, and I'm okay!" he told you, "Alright.." you respond and kissed him softly.

You guys rested for a bit, and after 30 minutes, you got up and got dressed.

Sebastian slept and rested, you didn't want to disturb him. You put your make-up on and took the outfit you bought a few nights ago, it's just a casual mom jeans with a black corset and your Converse.

Your hair was just curled down, and for jewelry, you got your vintage gold chunky hoops. You lastly grabbed your Prada shoulder bag and kissed Sebastian before you left.

You got down to the lobby and saw Sheena with the rest of the bridesmaids, they looked at you with their eyes widened, "What?" you asked as you walked towards them, "You look great." Sheena said as she introduced you to the other bridesmaids

"Oh my! Y/n Robertson, big fan!" one of the girls said, "Thank you" you chuckled nicely, All of you went on your way to the club/party.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now