Chapter Thirty Three

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On the way to meet my parents with Sebastian, New York is raining more than ever.

My mother decided to eat lunch with us to "cope up with our life"— I do think sometimes she forgets I'm no longer a teenager who stays at home waiting for them.

But I do appreciate the gesture— especially with my father coming along. It's been a long time since we've talked— he just sent me a huge bouquet of white roses as his engagement gift for me and Sebastian.

"You okay over there?" My fiancé cuts me out of my trance as he lays his hand on my left thigh.

"Yup. Better than ever." I wink at him.

"Babe— it's brunch with your parents but it looks like you'll be meeting the president with the look on your face." he teases again. When does this man ever stop.

I chuckle. "I'm just- I don't know— I guess my dad has a lot of questions when it comes to choices I make- and I know I should't be affected but— he's always up my business. It was literally one of the biggest reasons why I even went to Venice."

Am I lying? He's the reason why I needed to go to Italy. To take my mind off his expectations. I was young but I spent my time whining about my parents not being able to make enough time for me.

Or making good memories with me.

"I should thank him then." I give Sebastian a confused look. "If it weren't for him going up your business— and giving you the urge to go to Venice, I wouldn't have met my future wife." He takes my hand and bring it to his lips.

I couldn't help but laugh at his assumption— fact, rather.

"Yup. I guess you should." I chuckle.

Arriving at the restaurant— we step out of the car as the valet parks it.

"Miss Robertson, Mr Stan" the waiter nods and takes us to our seat.

Seeing my parents chatter, with red wine on their hands— my nerves really hit now.

"Babe? I was joking at the car, don't thank my father." I squeezed his hand three times as he chuckles at me.

"Babe I was joking." he says, "Well sometimes you have weird acts of jokes." I reply.

My mother turns her head as her eyes lands on mine— getting my father's attention, his eyes lands on us and soon moves to Sebastian.

"Hi mom" they both stand to give me a quick hug, "Hello, my darling."

"Dad." I give him a hug while Sebastian gives my mom one, "Hi honey."

Sitting down next to Sebastian and across my parents as the waitress comes by and takes our orders.

This is gonna be a long conversation.

"So, Sebastian— how's the wedding going?" My dad asks, and I immediately turn my head to my fiancé. Why ask him when he can ask his daughter?

"Well, Y/n's been doing most of it," he laughs jokingly, "It great actually, we got the reception planned out. Right babe?" he turns to me.

Now's my time to shine. I hate this.

"Yup" I say popping the P, "Our wedding planner's been helping me out, and I thank god everyday that I have her." I chuckle nervously.

With Sebastian sensing my nerves, he places his hand on my thigh soothingly and comforting my mood.

"That's great dear! I'm glad everything's going to plan." My mother finally speaks.

"Maybe you should add some paparazzi's— you'd be the talk of the town. Great for our business actually! I'm gla-" I cut my father off.

"Glad that I'm getting married?" I feel Sebastian tense up, "Dad, respectfully, I don't care about the face of your business alright? God- this is my wedding, I want it to be as minimal and private as possible. I don't want another person claiming to have an opinion during me and Sebastian's day."

I knew my father all too well, and I shouldn't have went to this lunch.

If there's something that you can't change about my dad— it's his ego and his audacity. He thinks that his opinion is all that matters. That I will "fall into nothing" if I don't listen to him.

I'm done listening to his bullshit.

I can't believe my mother would even give him a chance. All his world revolves around is money, and business, and pleasure.

"Y/n, I'm not saying anything that will out you in danger." he says.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's literal smoke coming out of my ears and nostrils. I am furious.

But before I could say anything, our food arrives— and I just lost my appetite.

I turn to Sebastian for comfort as he grabs my hand and rubs my knuckles underneath the table. When have I ever become this lucky.

Eating my pasta, mom breaks the awkward silence. "Me and your father received your invitation. It's adorable Y/n! I might actually put it on a glass shelf for remembrance." I smile at her.

"Thanks mom."

The invitations I gave out were in a white box filled with white roses, and a glass with the rose gold informations about the wedding written on it.

The price of all that effort costs more than you can imagine but— I really loved the outcome so I really don't mind.

Leaving the restaurant— the four of us waited outside for our cars when my father excused me from Sebastian.

I sigh, "Dad, I've really been through so much this week with the wedding. I'm exhausted and I really don't have the energy to argue about what you want right now."

"Y/n, I didn't pull you from your fiancé because of the things I want okay? I'm here to apologize of how much of an ass I'be been as a father. I know I haven't been the best, but you're getting married now. It's just all overwhelming."

"Really? Last time I checked you were barely in the house, or apartment- penthouse rather, when I was living with you guys. Dad— I'm not being a brat, but I never really grew up with a "father figure" so I don't know what's overwhelming to see right now." I replied.

"I'm sorry hon— that's the biggest mistake I've made. To not be by your side when you needed a shoulder to cry on-"

I couldn't be more exhausted all week than now.

I sighed tiredly, "Dad it's done okay? I cried on my shoulder, it's fine— maybe I never really needed you to cry on anyways. I just don't want you acting like this or bringing this in me and Sebastian's future, especially if we ever have children."

Our cars arrive. Sebastian's hand resting on the small of my back, "You okay? Our car's here." He smiles at my father and I.

"Yup— you go, I'll be there."

I turn to my dad as Sebastian enters the driver's side of the car.

"Thank you for owning up your mistakes and how you lack as my father."

"Honey, I really am sincerely sorry. I'm happy for you and Sebastian. I love you, okay?" He finishes.

"Yeah, you too."

Entering our car, Sebastian immediately puts his hand on my thigh.

"What was that about?" He asks as he drives off after my parents.

"Nothing— just some father talk I never really got." I rest my hand on top of his.

I really do need a shower and a nap right now.


dont forget to vote my loves! 💘💘💘

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now