Chapter Twenty-Nineth

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Warning— this chapter consists SEXUAL CONTENT so if you're a minor or aged below 13, please skip or don't, it's your choice but please be responsible! I will put [*] before the scene comes on! I DO NOT WRITE DETAILED PORN— if you want that, there are multiple websites that will satisfy your needs.

I am exhausted, my body is sore, and I'm so parched.

I never thought running a treadmill would be this much exhausting— it's my fault, I haven't been very exercising for 2 whole months.

I have different physical activities for that— it definitely helps cardio, if you know what I mean.

Stopping the treadmill, I walk toward the locker room and take out my duffel bag.

Finally done showering, I could literally use a nap, except I have to get ready because of my little mini date with the love of my life aka future husband. He mentioned the other week that we should go out to dinner.

We would've done that the next day after me mentioned it but we were on a tight schedule and needed to attend all meetings. Speaking of meetings— Vera Wang decided to make my wedding dress! I'm so fucking happy! I mean I'd also be pleased with Ralph Lauren and Alexander Mcqueen but, there's just something with Vera Wang's designs of wedding dresses that makes me expect such a beautiful dress.

Currently, I'm in a robe just fresh out of the shower with my legs shaved, also had my bikini wax appointment yesterday so I feel so much better. Choosing a dress and browsing in my walk-in closet, I literally have no idea what to wear.

I'm thinking I should wear something simple but sexy, but also something that screams I'm-hot-but-back-away-I'm-getting-married type of vibe.

I also cannot wait to see how my fiancé looks like all cleaned up and handsome— even if he looks hot everyday of eternity.

Taking out my red Valentino dress I got from a few months ago, I wore it and it looked so good. It frames my body so much.

Finishing up my make-up, and finally wearing my black Louboutins. The door opens and closes.

Stepping out of the bedroom, I see Sebastian with a black dress shirt and pants. Goddamn— this man will kill me and I'd let him.

He stops from his steps and eyes me from the top of my head roaming all the way down my body.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I wink at him, "Maybe I will," he starts walking toward me and puts his hands on my waist, "Or, we could forget dinner and spend the night covered in sheets.", his voice suddenly deeper and raspier.

If he'd take out my underwear right now, I just know it's wet as fuck.

But I'm really looking forward to this dinner.

"Baby, you have no fucking idea how much I want you inside me, but— we haven't had dinner outside in a long time." I kiss him slowly, pressing my front on his hardness.

He groans, "Don't do that," Sebastian mumbles, and trails his lips to my neck, "Come on let's go before I change my mind and carry you myself to bed." he pulls away and grabs my hand.

Driving around the city with the sky covered in stars, the busy streets, the shouting New Yorkers, trash bags on the side of the road— I still can't help how I wouldn't change a thing in my life and move somewhere else, I will always love New York.

After all— it's where I grew up in.

"Hey", Seb cuts me out of my trance as he lays his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb on my skin— he brings me so much comfort.

I turn my head to him and hum. "You okay?", he gives me a small smile of comfort, "Of course love." I tell him.

"Soo? Where are you taking me?" I lighten up the mood, "Didn't I say something Italian?" he says as he parks on the side of the road in front of a restaurant called "Gemma" — yup, it definitely looks Italian.

Sebastian turns off the ignition, and walks to my side of the car as he opens the door and pulls out his hand for me to take.

Holding hand in hand, paparazzi surrounds us as we walk toward the restaurant.

'Congratulations on your engagement Sebastian!'

'Any plans for kids?' Jesus christ, we literally just got engaged.

'You guys look good together.'

Walking inside the restaurant, I hear chatters of people, some people turning their heads on us.

"Hello! Welcome to Gemma, let me just take you to your seats." The waiter, or who seems like the manager trails us to our two seated table.

"Thank you" I say, "No problem, future Mrs Stan" he chuckles, I send him an awkward laugh, "Anyways, I'll get back to you guys when you've made up your order."

As soon as the waiter left, Sebastian looked at me weirdly, "I think he likes you" He teases.

He's always like this whenever we go out and some guy recognizes me instead of him, but he doesn't go all jealousy and mad, he goes all jealousy and teases me about it. Although he does put his hand on the small of my back and claims me.

"Shut up", he laughs and goes through the menu.

"Hey, why don't we get champagne?"

"Let's do it!" I laugh softly.

Leaving the restaurant, we enter the car with lights strobing our eyes, these paparazzi's never leave.

"Thank you for dinner baby" I put my hand at the back of Sebastian's head, stroking his hair with my fingers. "You don't have to thank me Y/n", he puts his hand on my thigh, his other hand on the steering wheel.

Sebastian's hand trails on my inner thigh, and moves his hand underneath my dress. my breathing hitches, and his hands goes higher, three inches near my lace underwear.

"Seb I swear to god— if you don't stop, this car isn't the only thing I'm riding right here, right now." my eyelids flutter. I turn my head to him as my eyes land on his growing bulge.


"Fuck this shit.", I unclick my seatbelt, immediately taking Sebastian's belt off, as I unbutton his pants. "Shit Y/n, you're gonna kill me" his voice raspier and deeper.

He removes his hand from my thigh and helps pulling down his pants. "The windows tinted?" I ask, my voice deeper as well. "Yeah baby" He wraps his hand around my hair, and takes a hairtie off the center console as he ties my hair.

I'm suddenly confused how'd he get that hairtie— so I gave him a weird look.

"You left it when another thing happened in this car."

Licking the tip of his dick, Sebastian groans, both hands on the steering wheel, his hand gripping it so tight.

I take him whole, as my mouth slides as far as it can take, and let my hands stroke of what I can't take with my mouth.

Sucking his dick, he groans and lets one hand off the steering wheel, as it lands on my head, guiding me, "Just like that baby."

"Fuck." he groans, his head hitting the seat.

Continuing my pace, up and down, going faster.

"I'm so close y/n"

My hands stroking and my mouth sucking, my tongue sliding back and forth with Sebastian's length.

He comes undone. I take all of him, my throat exhausted as I swallow.

"I love you." he pulls over on the side of the road, kissing me intimately as he slides his tongue inside my mouth, tasting himself on me.

He pulls away, "I love you, too. But you better hurry the fuck up because what I did, is not enough to satisfy me."

He chuckles, and immediately went back on the road.

I can't wait to marry the shit out of Sebastian.


SURPRISE DOUBLE UPDATE!! i suddenly feel so dirty JK— hope ya'll like this one.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now