Chapter Nine

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You woke up early for your photoshoot, no makeup, with your ESSENTIAL hoodie, Sebastian left early and went to his apartment, he kissed you goodbye before he went.

You went to the car with your assistant Emilia, got to the place.

You sat for hair and makeup, "Glad your here Miss Y/n" the director for the photoshoot said, Dior clothes were hanged, head-to-toe was all Dior. You got your glam team ready, it took 30 minutes.

Seven outfit and makeup changes, and three hours of working.

You were exhausted, good thing Sebastian facetimed you to lighten up your day, "Hey love" he said as you were sitting on the makeup chair for your last look, "Clothing is amazing as always, I'm actually on my last look" you told him, you felt the people in the room with you stare, you looked and smiled as they smiled back, they seemed like they were blushing for you.

"That's great! Have fun. You coming by later?" he asked, "not sure yet" you responded, "alright, miss you, love you.." as he said goodbye, "love you too!" you ended the call.

"You guys are so happy and beautiful together" the makeup artist said, "Thank you! We are" you chuckled. It felt good that people admired your relationship, that they accept the both of you together.

You got up and went on your last photoshoot, you showed different posts, fierce and all that.

After a few hours, you said your goodbyes and thankyou's to the people that helped you. You left and you hopped in the car, you still had you makeup on, you asked your assistant that you'll be getting some Matcha Latte.

So you arrived in the cafe and Emilia got it for you. You got into your apartment, as you opened the door, you saw Sebastian sitting on the couch as he smiled and looked at you, "Sebastian?? What are you doing here?" you said in your happiest tone, you hugged him,

You missed his comfort, you needed him, you had such an exhausting day, and he was there to lighten your day.

"I know you got tired, I just wanted to be there for you" he said as he kissed you, argh! You felt like you didn't deserve such an adoring and caring man like him, "Thanks Seb, I needed this" you told him softly.

"Now you got some lipstick on" you told him and rubbed it off of his lips, "I don't care"  he kissed you again.

You hopped in the shower and took your makeup off, you took one of your hoodies and had on your underwear, it didn't matter what you'd wear infront of Sebastian, you were comfortable with him.

He bought you some ramen and turned on Netflix for you, you both laid in bed as you snuck your way  in his arms, with your messiest hair tied up in a bun.

You had the bed rest of your life.

Suddenly he asked you a question, the question that made your heart skip a beat, the question that made you think deeper.

"We could do this all day. Y/n, you wanna move in with me?" he asked, "I've been thinking alot, and we've always been going back and forth to both of our apartments, why not just live together",

You didn't know what to answer, "I-, uhh" you stuttered, "But it's okay, I mean we both have our own lives too" he told you, you looked up at him as you were resting your head on his chest,

"It's not that, I love the idea of it, and I love you... so much Sebastian" you told him as you held his cheeks with both your hands, "I'd love to, but.." you told him softly, "but you don't want to" he continued for you, "No! I'll have to think about it. I love you okay? No matter what" you told him, as you kissed him gently.

He pulled out a box, "I got you this..." he said, as he opened it, it was a beautiful necklace, silver necklace with small diamond on it. You looked at it with your eyes so mesmerized, "Sebastian you have got to stop buying me gifts" you told him looking at his eyes

"I got you a key to my apartment, and this too, I don't care wether we live together or not, and I don't care how much I spoil the woman I love." he told you, you smiled as wide, your eyes teared up, the butterflies on your stomach again.

You sat up and turned around from him as he wore you the necklace he got. It was so simple but elegant and meaningful.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now