Chapter Twenty Two

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[This chapter will contain mature scenes, so if you're a minor please scroll before the scene comes on. but I'm not gonna stop you! I will add * before any scenes! And please be warned that I don't write really detailed smut scenes or porn, but if you want those, go to pornhub instead.]


The movie was awesome, me and Sebastian sat beside each other. He would always rest his hand on my thigh and caresses it— I was definitely turned on.

"Seb, stop. We're in a movie theater right now.", I yelled at him in whisper.

"We can leave now if you want.", he smirked as he moves his hand on my inner thigh. I couldn't help but clench my thighs together.

"Just finish the damn movie and be quiet.", I chuckled softly at him.

I could clearly see the buldge he had on his dress pants. I was getting hornier every minute he caressed my thigh. It was so close to my lace underwear. God, this slit on the dress was not helping.

We stumbled getting inside his apartment, we decided to go to his since my apartment was probably messy due to all the preparations.

He closed the door from behind him, while I take my heels off. We kissed each other so deeply as if we we're so hungry— and we were. His hands to my waist, while I unbotton his dress shirt. He moves his hand to the zipper at the back of my dress and slowly rides it down until it slipped off of my body.

His lips move to the side of my neck, my eyes closed. I let out a soft moan as I felt him smirk against my cheek, he's probably so proud of himself. He sucks my skin near my collarbone— that's definitely gonna leave a mark. I couldn't help it anymore, I needed him.

I went back to his lips hungrily, as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. We walk to his living room as I take off his belt. "I need you, now.", I demand. "You don't think I do as well?", he smirks.

I lay down in his couch in just my underwear as he climbs on top of me. His lips moving to my chest and in between my breasts. I let out a moan and roll my eyes back as I shut them in pleasure. He parts from me to remove his pants. I could already see the buldge he has.

I slide my lace underwear off, leaving me bare. He goes on top of me again, as his hands move in my inner thigh close to where I want him to. I groan at his gestures.

"Seb", I groan.

He takes a condom out and open it with his teeth and puts it on. I gasp at his first thrust, my head to his shoulder.

He thrusts, again, this time, rougher. And he does it, again, and again, and again and again.

I was catching my breath and moaning loudly at every thrust he made. His fingers move down to my clit as he thrusts in me one more times. We were both near our climax.

Sebastian growls, near our climax. I let out one loud moan as I came undone and so did he.

Our bodies clash together. We we're full with sweat. He takes the latex off of him and throws it. I felt sore already, but I managed to stand up and get his dress shirt from the ground.

He wore his boxers as we both go to the kitchen and get water, he moves his hand in my waist. I lean against the counter as I drink my water. Sebastian goes behind me and kisses my neck.

"I love you.", he says softly.

"I love you, too", I reply as I turned to face him.

I put my arm around his neck, and he moves his to wrap around my waist. I kissed him softly, "You're gorgeous, my love."

I found myself melting at those words. How did I ever deserve someone like him?


After that little moment we had in the kitchen, we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. We did it everywhere again.

The kitchen, hallway, bedroom, the living room floor.

And let me tell you, I am exhausted as fuck. He gave me the best orgasms I could ever possibly have.

Now we're here, laying in his bed, the comforter covering half of his body, his abs showcasing for only my eyes. Am I admiring him? yes, do I look like a creep? yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to stare at his gorgeous body.

The covers wrapped around my body, I'm sitting up with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around my knees as I continue to admire him.

I placed a soft peck on his temple, as he moved a little. A smile grew on my face.

"Stop staring at me.", he says in a groggy voice.

"Who said I'm staring at you?" I chuckle.

I laid back down beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist as he moved his arms behind my neck.

I wish we could stay like this. It's another busy day for the next week. And I still have to look for gifts for him. And I have absolutely no idea what to give a perfect man like him what to get.

"Where are we celebrating the holidays?", I ask quietly, my head resting on his chest, hearing his heartbeats.

"Do you have a dream country or place to visit to? When you were a kid?", he asked randomly.

I have no idea where this is going, but I've always wanted to go to Italy. Their fresh breeze and the old vintage buildings with the ocean, it's beautiful.

"Italy has always been a dream of mine. Why do you ask?"

He chuckles that vibrates through his chest, "I just wanted to know.", he smiled as he kisses my head.

We stayed like that until our eyes felt heavy and decided to sleep.

Authors Note:

hey guys! sorry for sort of a late update! can you guys guess what I'm planning to do after Sebastian asks where Y/n's dream country to visit?

I'm soo excited 🥰🥰

I might have an update tomorrow or the next day! And— hopefully I can give you guys double updates!

Btw! please don't say anything about getting 'robbed' because I really try to give you guys some smut scenes even if It makes me uncomfortable hehe! but I hope u guys enjoyed it! I tried my bestt 😫


Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now