Chapter Thirty-Two

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What a long day it has been.

"Okay so outdoor reception venue." Cassie repeats.

So we've planned where to get married— somewhere only we know.

"Yes." I answer Cassie.

"We have to design the invitations to send the people you're inviting— I'll finish that later on and send you the draft and ideas through email, is that okay?"

Right, who am I inviting? And oh god, how many people. I'm not a very social person, so I'm sure it would only be a few— but Sebastian on the other hand, that guy has done movies that made him be bestfriends with his co-stars, and I love his co-stars!

God! Especially Elizabeth Olsen— that woman is a goddess. I'd marry her if I could.

Done with my 4th wedding meeting— which is a lot than you think.

It's 3:00 in the afternoon, Sebastian's has his meeting again with his team, and I think he mentioned that he won't be home until 8:00 in the evening because of his suit for the wedding.

We may or may not have argued the last time he was late to our wedding planning.

Entering our apartment as Sebastian holds the door open for me.

I drop my bag on the couch and remove my shoes, as I hear Sebastian taking his jacket off.

Yes— I'm giving him the silent treatment.

I understand that he has a job and that meeting was important, but he could've texted me that he would be late for 20 minutes then maybe I wouldn't react the way I reacted earlier.

"Babe." he calls out to me.

I just continue whatever the hell I'm doing— I sit down on the couch, putting the throw blanket over my legs.

"Y/n" he calls me again, softly.

I reach over the remote to turn on the tv and move to Netflix.

"Y/n" he's alot more serious now— and by serious, I mean he's in front of me.

"Maybe you could move a little? I'd really appreciate to watch a movie right now— You know after that meeting I wasn't late to?" Maybe that was a dumb comeback, but, I tried. Right?

Sebastian kneels down in front of me. His hands on both my thighs, stroking his thumb in circles.

His eyes still fixated on me— while my eyes on the tv, maybe I should move my eyes to his?— and, I do.

I immediately regret it. Why does his eyes need to speak a thousand words without him speaking anything. His fucking ocean blue eyes is so frustrating.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was late to our wedding appointment— It's just that, something came up an-" I cut him off.

"That's the thing! Seb, you could've texted me to tell me something came up— instead I waited 20 minutes for MY fiancé and be the one answering Cassie's questions, when I needed YOU there with me!" I breathe, "Sebastian I understand that you have a movie coming up or whatever it is— but babe, we also have a wedding to plan. I also have tons of meeting for work and I still find time to plan our wedding and tell you that I 'something came up'" I finish.

This is the thing with Sebastian, he lets me scream at him or shout at him during an argument, his eyes just stay in mine— everytime I see him understanding my frustration.

He holds my hands and rubs his thumb on my knuckles— comforting me.

"I know my love— I'm sorry, I should've texted you, that's my fault. I'm sorry you had to answer Cassie's questions alone. I'll be there on our next wedding appointment okay?" He stand up and sits next to me, putting his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest.

"Sorry if I'm being dramatic. I don't mean to be such a bridezilla." his chest shakes as he chuckles.

"Baby, you are not a bridezilla." He kissed my forehead and take his index finger on my chin as he brings his lips to mine.

Thinking about our argument, my phone decides to ring.

It's the man of the hour.

"Hey baby" I say happily.

"That's my line. Just checking up on you, hopefully not at bridezilla's time." He teases.

"Stop teasing before that time comes up."

He chuckles, "When's our flight to the Hamptons again?" he asks. Right, I need to buy some cute heels, and I heard the Hamptons has tons of options. And I also want to get a tan.

"Two days from now, I called for our flight already, and they got the PJ ready for that day." I smile.

"Okay— I'm on the way to the meeting. I'll see you later alright? I love you."

"Love you, too." I say before he ends the call.

Everything is going as planned. My dress has been designed, and I cannot wait for the outcome.

Entering our apartment, I see a new beautiful bouquet on our kitchen island counter. Different blooming flowers in a clear glass pot.

Sebastian always makes sure to give me a bouquet every month— it another way of showing me he loves me, which he doesn't have to do. Just knowing that he knelt down on one knee with an engagement ring on his hand asking me to marry him, is enough living proof to know that he loves him.

I am such a lucky woman to be able to love him back.

I smell the flowers— heavenly.

Going to my closet to change clothes, I see Sebastian's clothes scattered on our bed again.

How many times do I have to tell this man to stop shedding. He's really living up to me calling him a snake.

Finally changed to one of Seb's favorite hoodie, and just my underwear— I go to the kitchen to take out a tub of cookie dough flavored ice cream.

It's been a long day, and ice cream with Netflix, is my therapy— oh and my fiancé.

Unconditionally Yours (SEQUEL TO A 'WEEK WITH SEBASTIAN STAN')Where stories live. Discover now