Chapter Twenty-Five

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Y/n's POV

We're walking around, the sun is out. I have my sundress on, that flows down to my ankles and a slot that starts from my mid-thigh. We're actually going to go for lunch.

Sebastian and I are holding hand in hand. It was a while ago when he decided to go eat lunch somewhere, I told him we could order in the hotel room, but he insisted.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask Sebastian as I lean my head on his shoulder, my hand not leaving his. "I saw this one restaurant in the internet, they said the pasta tastes good there." I smiled at me.

No shit— it's Italy.

As we were just walking around, a few girls came up to us. "Sebastian Stan? Y/n Robertson?" they say with an accent— a really strong one. "Hi" I smile politely as I chuckle at them.

They were giggling so much, I could've sworn I saw one of them drool over Sebastian. They asked for a picture, there was about 6 girls. We need to do this fast, or there's gonna be one hell of a crowd, and we don't want to be rude.

"You're so pretty." one of the girls complemented me, "Thank you darling, you too." I chuckle. We took individual photos with each of them, and a group photo.

"Thank you guys! It's so lovely to meet you." Sebastian says. "Ti amo!" the fans said in unison. I love them.

Me and Sebastian finally arrived to a restaurant he found in the internet. It was outdoors— which I really love, since I can hear the birds chirping and fresh breeze with the oceans wave.

We sat down in our seat, and almost immediately, the waiters recognized us. It wasn't really that hard to order, since the manager offered a waiter that spoke in english. "Grazie" I say as the waiter hands us the menu.

(thank you)

We ordered the best selling pasta they had, and let me tell you— it was delicious. I nearly moaned the second I tasted the pasta. They also had free garlic breads, which are my favorites. We had a special wine, they said that it was really made from the restaurants company, so that's such an honor.

Soon— we left the restaurant and walked around the famous tourist spots of Italy.

Sebastian, decided to surprise me with a rented car. It was a vintage baby blue Cadillac. It's so beautiful, we can manually take the roof off. So that's what we're doing, while Sebastian drives, I put my hands up feeling the air that flows through the beautiful breeze.

Sebastian rests his hands on my left thigh while he drives with one hand. I took out my phone and took a candid photo of Seb. He laughed while I take the perfect photo of him. He's so dashing, and such a prince. I'm definitely not mad about falling for this man.

— Finally we arrived at the Colosseum. As we got out, and walk toward the Colosseum, it was so much bigger in person, I always used to see these in movies. There were a ton of people, with their families, the cameras on their hands, kids, and people with the love of their lives— just like how I am with mine.

I walked first towards the Colosseum, completely forgetting about Sebastian. I admired the little details of the art in front of me— it looked so pretty. My dress was flowing with the wind and so is my hair.

And then— Sebastian came up behind me and hugged my waist with his arms. Leaning back on his shoulder as we both admired what was in front of us.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Seb." I turned to wrap my arms around his neck as he kept his arms on my waist. "I love you." I said softly, as he kissed me delicately.

I swear, we could stay like this. But people are surrounding us, and I think some of them already recognizes us, so unfortunately we had to leave so soon.

Driving back to our hotel room, it was still early, but close to sunset.

I think I have the best plan for me and Seb.

"Baby?", I yell, since he was in the bathroom showering. "Yeah?" he replied loudly.

Sebastian walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, covering half of his body. The water still dripping on his upper body, mostly on his abs. I tried my best not to stare— key word 'tried'

"What?" Sebastian cut me out of my trance. "Can we go to the beach and watch the sunset?" I pout, showing my puppy eyes.

"Of course." He smiled. I got up from the bed excitedly. "Let me get changed first." he chuckles.

Walking barefoot in the sand as the water slowly comes up the surface. We sat down, and watched the sunset.

Sebastian laid down while I sat in between his legs, watching the sunset in front of us.

Now this— this is what I want to last forever.

Authors Note:

Hope you liked this chapter! Pls don't forget to vote! Love u guys!

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