Chapter Nineteen

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I apologize in advance for this chapter. - author

Y/n's POV

It's been a week and a half, life's a rollercoaster. Sebastian just left for work, and I'm left here overthinking.

I'm gonna be honest— we have never talked about our future together. Yes, we've talked or joked about kids and weddings, but we never got in a serious conversation. And lately, I've been filled with the though of getting married, ugh, why am I like this?

What would my parents think?

I'm an adult obviously, but still.

Sebastian and I are very busy people. Meetings, fans, paparazzi's, and etc. It's upsetting that we're always in the media's eyes. I just want to live normal for once, just like in Venice.


"I'm here!" Sebastian says from the foyet.

"I'm in the living room" I yelled back.

He went and sat beside me, with his arms wrapped around me. "How's work?" I ask. "Same old" he responds. It's true, we go to work and do the same things, it's exhausting.

Suddenly, I wanted to ask him something. Do you want to get married to me? Ugh, this is horrible. I have it, at the tip of my tongue, but I'm too scared.

"Seb?" I caught his attention as he hummed. I gulped at the words that was about to come out of my mouth. "What?" he asked seriously, looking at me. "I- Uhm-" I stutter.

Shit, this is harder than I thought.

"What is it Y/n?" he sat up straight and so did I. I looked him straight in the eye, and I exhaled before saying any more. "Do you see me in your future?" I asked softly not trying to pressure him. "I mean- You don't have to answer right now, I just- I've been thinking a lot and I'm not sure if you want me in your future, we've been dating for a year and a half so I don't know what else to think-" he cut me off my rants.


I'm gonna pass away slowly. Did he say what I thought he said? Oh shit, am I hyperventilating?

"Yes, Y/n. Of course." he smiled. It comforted me. I am so happy. But then, he had one more thing to say.

"But, not now Y/n." he looked at the floor. Suddenly, my smile dropped. "I think you're just overthinking stuff. I don't think that you're- We're not ready for it. I got a lot of stuff going on and I don't want to be thinking of that yet." he explained.

That's when my heart shattered.

I stood up from beside him, a tear falling down my cheek. 'Stuff'?! I have no idea what to feel.

Tears started building up my eyes and I was just lost.

"Y/n..." he held my hands, standing up in front of me. "No- I understand. Of course, I mean yeah- we got work and you're not ready-" I sniffled. His hands cupped my face. "What do you want me to do? Stop working?" He asked silently aggressive.

And suddenly, the pain I felt, felt like anger. That is not what I want him to do. I want him to be there for me and understand me. He thinks that I'm stopping him for everything just because I asked for a future with him.

"No Sebastian, don't turn this on me." I dropped his hands stepping away from him. My tears falling even more. "I did not ask you to quit your career! I simply wanted you in my future, and I understand that you're not ready, but for you to accuse me that I want you to stop working?!" I yelled at him.

I was filled with anger and frustration. How dare he think of me like that.

"Shit Y/n! I wasn't accusing you, I said I wasn't ready. You know what? I'm exhausted, I just came home from a meeting. Lucky for you, you're not doing shit." he walked away from me. I was shattered.

What the actual fuck.

My eyebrows furrowed as he walked away, "Oh really? You're just gonna walk out on me like that? Jesus fuck Sebastian. If that's what you think of me, and telling me all this shit when I just wanted to talk? Just go." I say in a final tone. It broke me to say that.

He turned to me, his eyebrows furrowed. I saw the pain in his eyes.

"I don't know why you have to act like an asshole." I add. I wiped my tears away as he stepped forward, "Don't." I put my hand out for him to stop, and he did.

"Think this through. Right now, you aren't in the right state of mind." I hiccuped.

"Why because I love you?" He raised his voice.

"Yeah Sebastian, because you love me." I talked back. And then, the next thing I know.

He left.

He said he wanted it, and I felt the relief. But then he said those next words. I understand that he isn't ready, I understand that we don't have to get married or some shit. But he accused me of something I would never want him to do for me.

And to top it all off, he said the most fucked up words.

Maybe he's right. Maybe I was just overthinking, maybe I'm just a distraction to him.

Yet, even if I was filled with anger, I missed him.

This is such a shit show.

Authors Note:

I know, I know, I'm sorry guys! But I swear I'm gonna fix this 🥳 Also I did you notice The Vampire Diaries reference? If you did then yey! hahahaha!

Sebastian POV will be released tomorrow or the next day! i got to review for my finals :(


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