I know shocking right?

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Previously on We started over:

"Hey buddy, I thought I told you to run?"

This means we'll be brother and sister by blood—that I'll always be by your side no matter what Bella"

"Yeah ... deal with him and then .. then we'll talk okay?"

"I'm kinda an enchantress surprise!"


Bella explained everything to Jacob her history, her powers when she found out about it she told him she discovered it through dreams but most of the information she got from her ancestor.

She told him of how strong she is and that she will only get stronger the older she gets.

She told him about the previous timeline but only bits and pieces , she doesn't mention how she died and let's him assume it was because of James, she doesn't want him to have another reason to dislike the Cullens , especially since her mate was one of them.

She told him about how shifters were created to keep the balance between humans and vampires and how vampires are necessary in the world. She explained to him that if the vampires were destroyed humanity would over populate the earth and deplete it's resources over.

She explained that her family decided to leave their existence even if it was a mistake but created  a counterpart so that vampires would a natural enemy that kept them at bay.

By the time she was done explaining the bottle of Jack Daniels was gone, empty sitting on the round table Bella was buzzed, her words slightly slurred as she asked Jacob  forgiveness, she asked him to forgive her for taking away his choice—but the only thing Jacob told her was that even if Bella didn't trigger the gene early he was sure it would've happened anyway with the Cullens being back in forks.

She cried on his shoulder—telling him that she loved him and would make sure to keep him safe . For the first time since she's come back to the timeline she felt lighter —she knows she told Rosalie everything but still being able to open up to Jacob about these things made her feel better and a lot less alone.

At 3 am the two of them decided to get some sleep, the day had been tiring: torture, being kept as a hostage and burning down a warehouse to kill a vampire certainly took a toll on the teenagers.

Morning rolled by, the skies remained dark but slightly lighter than yesterday.

She couldn't believe that time had passed so quickly. It had already been two months since she came to forks to live with her father. In June Rosalie would graduate and she would've normally been stuck in school another year but that was before she decided to enroll in senior classes online. She kept her schedule mostly the same attending junior lectures just because —but she didn't need or want to be stuck in high school while her mate was off doing whatever.

Now all she needs to do is break the news to her dad—she never did tell him about the extra classes nor the extra credit she worked on. There wasn't really any need besides the past two months had been hectic,  trying to balance everything she knew about the future.

The one thing she knows won't happen is the Cullens leaving, since she already told them she was anything but a human—and she wasn't dating Edward who would try and save her soul or some shit like that.

The alarm rings promptly at 7 am the morning ,on the floor beside the bed she hears Jacobs loud snores. She envies the bastard—'oh how I wish I could sleep more' she thinks

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