I see why you find me interesting

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Arriving in Romania , Bella let out a tired sigh —jet lag was a bitch and right now she truly wish she had taken a page out Rosalie and Jacobs book and napped.

So when Bella was tired she was grumpy and now having to deal with a excitable Aro was not something she looked forward too.

Being directed to where to go and having some of the guard pick them up at the airport wasn't fun either. She ignored the constant stares from Jane and Alec .

Arriving in the wooded area Bella really did expect Aro to look all excited but the grim face that greeted her made her even more anxious.

"Marcus it seems you have finally arrive... and not a moment too soon" he said , giving the vampire a tense look.

"Aro" greeted her uncle with a nod. Bella looked around them only to notice that half of their guard was missing.

"What happened to the rest and where's Goldie ?" She asked staring at the remains —beside the 11 people she arrived with including herself she only saw 20 more red eyed vampires.

Aro cringed before turning his eyes to the castle far off.

"It seems our brother was rather impatient.. rushed in hours ago and has yet to be seen" he answered Bella blinked once , twice before she cursed under her breath.

"Okay..... okay .. how many are we up against?" She asked

"No more than 40 vampires all older than a 100." Answered Jane.

"Then how the hell did caius die? I thought he was the one that led the children of the moon to extinction."

Aro nodded his head handing Bella a letter " it seems ... the first of our kind isn't to be trifled with —this letter is the last contact one of our spies sent." Bella looked at the letter —it looked like it was scribbled quickly.

' Drake The first one has gotten what he needs and is gathering more vampires as I write this master'

Bella read the letter out loud, she stared at the paper for a while before scrunching it up in her hand.

"We can't wait until he gathers more vampires" she said unknowingly uttering everyone's thoughts.

Aro nodded his head "you may be right Isabella .. however, this is not a war we can win easily.. they outnumber us and not to mention that this Drake is nearly invincible. What would you have us do?"

Bella pursed her lips staring at the castle unflinchingly "we kill his army.. and finally put that old man to rest for good this time." She replied. Her words were blunt and her expression hardened, Bella meant what she said they might have more vampires but Bella had more gifted vampires on their side.

"You mean we launch a full frontal assault niece?" Asked Marcus Bella bobbed her her.

"Yeah.. we have an empath, we cause confusion amongst his ranks — then we use the gifted vampires to our advantage."

"And what will you do enchantress?" Asked Aro narrowing his eyes in her direction.

"I'll take drake on." She replied .Ignoring Rosalie's sharp breath she continued. " I don't think any of you will even manage to scratch him if his been absorbing magic."

Silence covered the group a tiny vampire spoke her thoughts "This seems like a terrible plan" she said with resigned sigh, Bella shrugged sure enough it wasn't the best plan but it was the only one they had at the moment.

"Got a better one shorty?" She asked with brow raised.

Jane opened her mouth then closed it again drawing a dry chuckle from Bella "thought so.. it's either we pull it off or bow down to drake as our overlord." She said looking to each face in the crowd.

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