Fuck you Tuesday

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Previously on We started Over:

Yes then he definitely belongs in a psych ward after all he threw away an amazing sister, he must be certifiably insane"

Hmmm .. you know that could be a sign of chronic insomnia, you should have it checked out"

are you trying to imply something untoward occurred under your roof father?"

"I don't know what this is or means ... but something's telling me we'll find out soon"

The weekend passed awfully quick, much too quick for Bella's liking , she had spent the entire weekend at the Cullens home, spending time with the vampires, she trained with Jasper brushing up on her fighting, she needed the the experience, and the direction and who better to ask than the youngest major in the confederate army.

She also made a discovery that her skin was as hard as a vampire but still held her own color skin and softness however, she was still susceptible to wounds from supernaturals —that theory was tried and tested when Sams' claws tore into her back even though it hurt, her back healed without much effort after she mentally did a healing spell she had become a master of.

No longer needing the entire incantation instead a few keys words. This was also where she realized that her magic was now tied into her emotions specifically her elemental powers:

Her flames responded to anger or rage that's not to say that If she wasn't angry she wouldn't produce them because she could but the intensity was decidedly less that when she was angry.

Her control and production of water was tied into the peace she felt, the serenity, this especially bettered whenever Rosalie was in her presence.

Bella's control over wind had always been good, but she didn't know what it could possibly be tied too but Emmet had made a particularly funny joke , and she burst out laughing, the laughter felt carefree like she didn't have the world on her shoulders and all she felt like was a 17 year old kid with cool powers —as she felt all those things, the air around her increased and she could feel herself slowly hovering, thus she found that wind control was tied into her impulses, her more carefree side —something Rosalie made a point to tell Bella that it wasn't always something liked about Bella, and the enchantress knew why the blonde said that, but of course when she managed to hover both her and her lover above the ground.

Her teasing joke was more than enough to bring a adorable smile to Rosalie's face

"Up up and away?" She quoted the famous Superman line , her being Superman and or supergirl in this scenario and Rosalie being her very own Lois lane.

So the training continued the entire weekend, she practiced earth, Jasper told her that her hard headedness was definitely necessary to master it, which she rolled her eyes at but nevertheless pushed herself and by the end of the Sunday she could produce a nasty crack into the ground which Esme promptly told her better be closed before she found herself close to the core of earth.

"Angry Esme is a scary Esme" she muttered under her breath as she concentrated on her task. Sunday ended with a little show from Bella, she showed the vampires her own progress with sub-elements. The smile that lit her face when she produced the lightning was blinding not only happy with the result but at the fact that , the fire melding together with the fire was truly a beautiful sight to behold. She stood in the backwoods as the lightening crackled around her forearms—the surge of power felt amazing, her eyes lit up ever brighter at the rush of it all.

"Bella-bear you could be the next Zeus!!" she heard Emmet say excitedly and as if  Zeus the might god of thunder and ruler of the cosmos was displeased that such a small display could make her a thunder god the skies darkened almost ominously.

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