Well that was awkward

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The couple returned back to the Cullens home later the evening, after eating and feeding their more beastial sides. They felt completely satisfied and hoping that their guests had swiftly moved along.

Bella did want to meet the denalis though the fact that the Cullens were so worried about them selling Bella out to the Volturi the first chance they got, kinda put a damper on that excitement.

So now that they pulled up to the home and didn't notice any other cars—the two originals fell out of the car nearly ravishing each other right there in the drive way for all to see and hear.

Bella picked the blonde up allowing the blonde to wrap herself around Bella. Blurring up to the door they eagerly attacked each other's lips still tasting the remnants of fine aged wine mixed with blood—to Bella the taste was absolutely delectable one she sought to savor —the kiss was a mixture of tongue and teeth clashing against each other neither wanting to submit to the other.
Bella pushed the blonde up against the front door oblivious to the groaning of the hinges. A few seconds and the wooden oak door gave in under the pressure and fell to the ground creating a loud bang.

Bella's lips grazed the blondes neck, the action causing the blonde to buck her hips into Bella —gaining a moan from the hybrid.

A throat clearing got the hybrids attention—mismatched eyes stared in golden iris's , iris's that didn't at all seem familiar.

"So this is the woman who has been keeping Rosalie so tied up" said the curly haired vampire.

A bob of a head "Tied down by the looks of it sister" replied the straight haired vampire.

Bella's eyes widened before she noticed the concerned looks on the Cullens faces. Removing her eyes from the two beautiful blonde woman she looked down to the one beneath her with a sheepish smile.

"I suppose you won't let us finish then?" She joked, as the words tumbled from her mouth a hand followed effectively covering her mouth.

"Well.. it seems my mate has said a bit more than needed but if you'll excuse us we need a few more minutes to freshen up" she said pulling the hybrid along with her —blurring out of sight of their family.

Once away from prying eyes in their own room with the door closed Bella scratched her head , while her semi hard on strained her jeans.

"Well that was awkward" she said with a sheepish smile.


Now meeting the rest of the  family by nearly taking Rosalie right on the front porch was not the way she would've thought this meeting would happen.

Though the teasing grins on the Denali's face were quickly wiped away when they noticed the vast difference between themselves and Rosalie.

Whereas Bella looked pretty much the same as she did before her transformation, Rosalie did not, no longer the deathly pale vampire instead she was olive skinned , the golden eyes that signified the vegetarian diet of the Cullens were replaced by a purple hue better described as violet—even the vampires blonde locks looked livelier but of course most of that was ignored in favor of the sound of two hearts beating echoing into the silent family room.

Eyebrows raised in astonishment, then confusion and then plain old anger. Quite the combination Bella thought.

"Carlisle what is the meaning of this!" Questioned the curly haired strawberry blonde.

Sitting possibly the most quiet anyone has ever seen the hybrid;Bella raised her hand. The other one was, well was practically suffering in a death grip courtesy of Rosalie. Bella was no bitch and she braved  the grip like a soldier heading into battle barely flinching when it tightened even further.

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