And you think thats a blessing?

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Previously on We started over:

"Rose just take the damn card and stop being so prideful"

"Because ... because I don't want you to dig into your college fund Bella, you're already giving up enough as it is"

"Do you always feel like that around me?"

"So we're either have a severely depressed vampire like Edward or we have a severely depressed vampire out for blood?"

Bella avoided answering Alice not because she was hiding something (because she really wasn't) but because she knew the pixie vampire would ask more questions, especially when it came to how Bella knew the motley crew in the first place.

Her family had been acquainted with the Hale pack and their offspring throughout the years , but sadly most of the Hales died off and the ones who remained were killed in a fire by Kate Argent,  another person Bella rather not talk about—she personally didn't know the woman but from what's she heard from both Derek and Scott she didn't have a very pleasant impression about the hunter.

Peter Hale is a pain in the ass, she met the wolf once, his need to be alpha reminded her a lot about Sam and it disgusted her she refused to even acknowledge the wolf as part of the Hale pack that consisted of various creatures.

Malia was nothing like her wayward father probably inheriting most of her qualities from her coyote mother.

Scott was a nice guy, always did the right thing but naivety might get the best of him.

Lydia and Stiles were her favorite , the banshee was funny, sarcastic and proved every stereotype about gingers very true.

Stiles was a goof, one of the hunters that she actually really liked despite his job description —but instead of actively hunting supernatural creatures he only hunted ones who completely disregarded the unwritten rules about all supernatural life which loosely translated in 'stay in the fucking shadows' . And they protected their own territory very well, but when they encountered ghost riders was a complete doozy 'god that was a terrible weekend' she thought with a soft groan.

Her groan got the attention of a very animated Carlisle who seemed to be explaining how rare it is to have a sudden bout Heterochromia.

"Do you understand how rare this condition is Bella ? Only occurring in less than 1% of the worlds population ? And for you to suddenly have it out of nowhere makes it ever more rare."

"I see, well do you think you could find any scientific explanation for this?"

Carlisle motioned Bella to follow him into his home study , once they were inside he was about to shut the door when Rosalie stopped him.

"I'd like to know if there's anything wrong with Bella" She said as a way of explaining her obvious presence.Carlisle who looked unsure turned to Bella for guidance.

"It's fine Carlisle I'll be telling her anyway" she said with a nod.

Carlisle nodded he opened his briefcase taking out a few objects one something that looked like a pair of safety goggles but a much more sleek design, it had magnifying glass attached to the lenses.

Carlisle slipped into full doctor mode asking various questions like if her eyes are more sensitive to light since the change, whether she's had any unexplained headaches to which she answered to no well except the last one.

"I had a headache this morning but I think that could be because of the bottle of jack daniels I polished off last night" she answered ignoring Rosalie's look instead focusing on Carlisle's pensive look.

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