So spring?

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Previously we started over :

"Up up and away?"

"Besides if I don't need Mount Olympus when I've got my own piece of heaven right here"

"So yup it was exactly what it looks like"

"Fuck you Tuesday .. just fuck you"

And so Tuesday passed with Bella extremely frustrated and she didn't have any relief either because Rosalie thought it be fun to tease her and let her go through the day with a semi erect cock. Well It was not—she barely concentrated on classes , she was uncomfortable and Rosalie's heated looks across the halls was not helping the situation.

Bella went home with her frustration in tow because she refused to hear Rosalie's delightful cackle across the car park.

Wednesday appeared and Bella stared at the off white ceiling with a sigh, she needed to get ready for school but she had an uncomfortable feeling in her gut , more so than Saturday. She forced herself to leave her comfortable bed and went through her morning routine.

Downstairs she filled up on three bowls of cereal, toast and eggs  while her father raised an eyebrow at her appetite.

"What? I'm hungry" she mumbled

"I didn't say anything" said her father , raising his hands in surrender. She rolled her eyes and caught a a small duffel bag on a kitchen chair.

"Uh huh.. and what's with the bag dad?" She asked inhaling the rest of her breakfast washing the meal down with a nice steaming cup of coffee.

"Oh .. I wanted to let you know that I'd be going to Seattle. May stay overnight"

Bella regarded her fathers face more seriously she saw the tired lines around his eyes, his shoulders looked tenser.

"why ? Is this about work?" She asked leaning with her hip against the counter.

"Yeah.. I'm we're collaborating with the police in Seattle to try and see whether we can find any more information on the disappearances since most of them took place in Seattle and Riley was the only one from forks. We don't have much right now but somethings got to give " he said tiredly.

Bella nodded as she picked up her dirty dishes transferring them over into the sink " alright dad just be careful alright?" She asked before added " don't be a hero"

"Always am Bells and don't worry I'll be home soon, moneys in the jar if you want take out" he said grabbing his duffle. He walked around the counter and dropped a kiss on Bella's head

"I'll see you tomorrow , and please if you want to go somewhere make sure not to go alone okay?" He said seriously. Bella gave her father a tight smile and nodded to ease his concerns.

"Sure dad" she said watching him leave. She heard the cruiser start up allowing her to pull away her thoughts.

The uncomfortable feeling she had that morning was back at full force and she calmed herself down, inhaling a deep breath.

"Just a normal Wednesday" she murmured , finishing up and grabbed her book bag and keys.


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