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Bella sat on the love seat listening to Carlisle drone on and on about letting them know about the changes that took place. She tore her gaze away from the patriarchs' face and turned to Rosalie who wore a blank expression on her own face. Yeah neither Bella nor Rose really wanted to be receiving a sermon from Carlisle but here they were , her face though clearly told everyone present that she'd rather be continuing exploring her mates body.

"Are you even listening Isabella? This is highly important!" Bella tuned in at the reprimand.

"Carlisle .. I understand I should've made you aware but that's where it ends .. I didn't need your permission nor did I want it. The change was solely because I wanted to give MY mate something she craved.. what was wrong about that?" She asked , the tension in the room was palpable—Bella knew that while she may be stronger that each vampire in the room including her lover that didn't mean she had seniority.

The blonde short haired man pursed his lips , and released a tired sigh. "Nothing.." he answered "but .. but the Volturi already has the sights on our family—Aro is paranoid , has always been and now when you've literally created a new breed of vampire.. this doesn't only affect you .. but the rest of us as well" he said calmly.

The hybrid looked at the rest of the Cullens , she knew her actions would have consequences but she didn't answer to the Volturi nor did Rosalie as her mate. They were not her royalty, her leaders —her pride as an enchantress and now a vampire demanded they bow down to her. Fighting her instincts to scoff derivatively at the mans words she gave him a small nod of understanding.

"I understand what I've done.. the Volturi are old and has governed your kind for centuries .. but that doesn't mean I answer to them. Aro is a psycho and even if he didn't know of me —I have a feeling he would've found some transgression against your family to penalize you." Her words were true , while she thought the man was a complete but she didn't underestimate his reach, she remembered Edwards words 'Aro has a perchance to collect gifted vampires.. he's wanted Alice and myself for years'

"Even if I didn't change the type of vampire my peanut was .. and changed myself he would've surely been after your family —after all from my understanding the nutter has been after Alice and Eddy for years." She finished , she leaned back in the seat. She allowed the words to sink in, a soft hand squeezed her own, a small smile tugged at her lips at the feeling.

A tight controlled voice interrupted the back and forth between Carlisle and Bella , Bella's eyes shifted to the broody vampires' voice. She knew out of everyone Edward was still very upset about this entire thing and even more so when she revealed that she had no plans to join the bunny diet the Cullens were on— not because she thought it wasn't worthy of her or but
something just told her that it would most probably only worsen her control.

"What do we do now Carlisle ? .. once the Volturi finds out about .. this" he gestured to Bella who just rolled her eyes at the distaste in the vampires' tone. "They won't leave us be"

"We could leave" offered the hybrid, she gripped Rosalie's hand tighter in her own—her tone was calm, her eyes steady as she stared at the patriciach. The silence stretched for a few seconds and Bella's was afraid the vampires might not have heard her so she repeated herself.

"We could leave .. Rosalie and I .. that way none of you would be implicated in our .. doings" Bella was surprised at the small nod Rose gave. But then again she knew it really shouldn't have surprised her, the blonde was always protective of the Cullens and them leaving the family could be seen as another form of protection.

The rejection came from Esme .. a firm no resounded from her lips "you and Rose are family. I will not have my family split apart because Aro thinks you might cause a danger to the existence of our kind!" The rebuttal was firm and even as strong as Bella was currently she did not want to be on the opposite side of that glare of her new mother figure. 'Oooh if looks could kill' she thought with a grimace.

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