You promised

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Previously on We started over:


"Come on kid , it's still damn cold outside and I can make a mean cup of hot chocolate ?"

"Then why did you fight in one?"

"I don't know but what I do know is things will never move along if I don't go see him, so that's tomorrow's problem ..


The next day came quickly .. and it passed just as fast. Bella barely managed to prepare herself and before she knew it school was over and the last bell of the day rang.

"Bella come on" said Angela , she nudged her friend who seemed to be lost in her own world. Like she had been for most of the day.

Bella turned to looked at the Asian girl with a small smile, " thanks Angie" she murmured slinging her book bag over her shoulder.

The two walked in silence side by side until Angela decided to question Bella about somber mood.

"Bella are you alright? You've been out of it all day, did you have a fight with Rosalie?" She asked carefully, not trying to scare the brunette off. She knew Bella well, they've been friends for a few months now which she thought was long enough to describe or pick up on certain moods of the girl.

She also knew that whenever Bella was in a bit of a mood it was either because Lauren pissed her off with a comment or she and Rosalie had a disagreement.

"If it was something Lauren said you should just ignore her, she's petty" she said after receiving silence from her companion.

"Neither really , Rose and I are fine —better than fine we've been talking a lot more and just connecting know.. but no It's not Rose" she answered , they were now exiting the school walking through the car park.

"Well what is it then? If you're upset about something Bella it's best to talk about it" she said patting Bella's shoulder.

A genuine smile tugged at Bella's lips "you Angie are a great friend you know, but this can't be solved unless I talk to the person involved and that's what I'm about to do" she said.

"Well whatever it is I hope it goes well , see you tomorrow Bella" she said with short wave and proceeded to get into her old station-wagon

Bella watched Angela get into her car , and nodded at the girl whispering to herself "you and me both Angie , you and me both".

A voice reached Bella's ears pulling her out of her thoughts.

"So you're really heading to the reservation?" Asked Rosalie as she stood behind Bella. The enchantress turned on her heel and immediately pulled the vampire in her arms soaking up the the feel of their connection.she felt Rosalie's arms slide around her own body reciprocating the hold.

"Hmm" she hummed to Rosalie's question. The two completely ignored the rest of the students that gawked at them and ignored the few jocks who whistled and cat called at them.

Even after two weeks of dating the populace of forks high-school still didn't get used to Bella snagging the untouchable Rosalie Hale. Many even said that Bella fought off Emmet thus gaining Rosalie's attention.

She laughed particularly loud at that rumor, to Bella everyone could speculate about what they liked as long as those close to her knew that she'd been in love with the blonde Ice Queen from the first day of school was fine besides she didn't need anyone's approval aside from her blonde goddess.

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