I dont speak in growls..

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Previously on We started over:

"What? I'm hungry"

"Hey Bella you alright? You don't look so good, you look Uh a bit pale"

"Spit it out Alice "

"just peachy ... but on a completely unrelated note I might just start hating Wednesday's too"

Wednesday passed and Bella received a single text from her father, telling her that he would go straight to the station after arriving back in forks. She felt sympathy for the man, most likely have run himself ragged trying to find evidence of foul play or that could lead him to a suspect.

"Are you not going to school today" asked Rosalie from beside her. They were still in bed and it was nearly eight she felt that the meeting with the wolves took precedence over school. Especially when Victoria's attack is supposed to be a week away.

"The meeting with the wolves is important" she murmured , pulling Rosalie deeper into her body.

"One you don't need to attend considering the circumstances" replied her lover quietly. Bella sighed tiredly closing her eyes.

"The circumstances is what it is because I killed James allowing our little Vicky to go mad with vengeance and is now currently amassing an army in my name" she said , she thought about it and if she were in the red heads position she might have done the same thing, well maybe not an army but definitely something big. Maybe steal a tank to destroy whoever was responsible.

Rosalie scoffed "you sound almost proud that you managed to draw such a response from the Victoria" Bella chuckled at the comment, no pride wasn't what she felt. She felt remorse for involving others in what was supposed to be her revenge.

"No I'm not proud although I do believe Victoria's response to me killing James a bit flattering , If I didn't know any better I would've thought she has a crush on me" she deflected

"A crush? Are you delusional or just insane?" Asked Rosalie now looking down at her mate that had a smile on her face.

"Rosalie this army is just an extreme version of pulling my hair in the playground"

"Will you never take anything serious?" Bella noticed Rose trying time mask her anger. So she removed the smile from her face.

"I've never been more serious , her target is not me it's you .. a mate for a mate. That warrants my complete seriousness already. It's the reason I'm calling in favors to make sure you are protected or we have the support to take on a army of newborns"

"So yes Rosie I might joke around but this is just my way to not lose myself in the worry that Victoria might succeed because of my carelessness and if she does gods forbid. This world might not survive my rage" she replied before climbing out the bed and padding to the shower, leaving a quiet Rose behind.


Most of the day was spent with Bella making calls to her friends in beacon hills.

She explained the story and the reasons for her asking assistance she made it clear that she only needed people who were willing to fight knowing they might not survive it. She would not allow anyone to fight halfheartedly but she also wanted them to understand it was a favor not a order.

Derek agreed but said that he would not have stiles or Lydia join. Bella agreed but the two in question did not because apparently they needed to come to Forks ro witness the army and even if they didn't fight they would stay close to Bella's father to ensure Victoria didn't use him as a hostage.

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