No! ... no!

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Previously on we started over:

"So make me even more happier by saying yes.. say you'll be mine in this life and the next .."

Rosalie's eyes closed choking out the response "yes.... yes I'll be yours as long as you'll be mine" she replied.

Bella chuckled softly "nowhere else I'd rather be than beside you love... absolutely nowhere"

Bella and Rosalie were in the own world , staring into each others eyes, with a silly smile that covered Bella's face.

"I can't believe my own dad bet against me" she murmured..

Rosalie chuckled pecking the girls lips again "did he bet I'd say no?" She asked with a grin.

Bella scoffed and nodded "yeah.. I believe his exact words were ' I don't think Rosalie wants someone who would bankrupt her —because Bella I've seen the way you eat.. and I feel sorry for the poor girl' " she said trying to imitate her fathers voice.

Before the blonde could respond a loud squeal cut them off and bad Bella righted herself just in time to catch the giggly pixie vampire.

"Oh my god! Bella you're finally going to be my sister why didn't you tell me you were going to propose!" She squealed. Bella looked at Rosalie who was pulled into a hug by Esme.

Bella sighed and patted the girls back "yeah .. didn't I tell you though?" She said letting the pixie down.

"No .. I thought you were kidding!" Replied the pixie then looked at Carlisle who smiled "Carlisle knew?!" She asked with a wide eyes.

Bella's shrugged trying to get away from the fuming pixie. "I asked him before I even bought the ring Alice .. I'm sorry if you feel like I should've asked your permission too?" She said slightly confused

The pixie huffed "just let me plan the wedding." Bella looked to Rosalie for help but the blonde just shrugged.

"Ugh fine.. but I don't think we want anything to ostentatious okay?" She said with authority.

"Awwwh ... but okay .. I guess you're forgiven .. oh you'll need dresses !" Bella cut her off with sharp no

"I won't ever be caught dead in a dress, don't even try it" she said sternly.

"Now come on I believe the planes about to land and even though you're vampires I don't want holes in my jet thank you very much"

Bella didn't notice the glare from Rosalie "Bella .. you said it was rented!" Bella took her seat and have the vampire a sheepish expression scratching the back of her neck.

"Rented ? Bought same thing right?" She laughed nervously.

A resounding no from both Esme and Rosalie sounded "No!" Bella shrugged in return.

"Tsk.. thought I'd get away with it" she said sadly.

Rosalie scoffed "when we're getting home, we'll have a long talk about wasteful spending!"

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