We'll find out soon enough

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Previously on we started over

"The talk... the talk didn't go so well , words were traded and blows but I'm okay physically .. emotionally I just need to get some rest ..

"Fucking hell"

"I love you too Isabella"


The rest of the week passed quickly, Bella received daily updates from Lydia and not Derek because the guy was useless with a cellphone. She was notified that there hadn't  been any changes with her mother and no one even nearing her who matched Victoria's description. That was fine to her, she promptly informed the Ginger banshee to tell the rest that they could go back to beacon hills, since there hasn't  been any sighting of Victoria for a while.

Bella consulted Alice and she explained that Victoria hasn't  been making any decisions other than small ones but nothing to suggest she would be coming back to forks to try to kill Bella or maybe Rosalie—like the saying goes an eye for and eye ... though in this case the more apt description would would be a mate for a mate. Something Bella wouldn't risk so she asked Alice to keep an eye out just in case better paranoid than being caught with the metaphorical pants down.

School had been just about the same, nothing new teenagers being teenagers, horny and stupid teenagers —Bella and Rosalie were even approached by some jocks claiming that they needed a guy to help them out —and they were all to willing to volunteer for the cause as it were. But Bella promptly shut them down, threatening to cut off their manhood if they approached either again Rosalie however gave the jocks a blank look before scoffing and walking away. Which to Bella seemed a little too cool headed for the blonde, though after school she would know why, she noticed that the same jock who so crudely asked for a threesome car tires were removed off and neatly stacked beside the car while the car stood on bricks.

Bella looked at Rosalie who seemed way too satisfied at the boys high pitch squeal he let off when he saw what had been done to his baby, nearly getting a sudden bout of asthma after her ran around the vehicle to inspect for further damage.

"If I was the perp I would've keyed his car with a polite 'fuck you' message." she said as she watched the scene with a chuckle..

Bella side eyed Rosalie, the woman didn't confess to it but Bella just knew it was her Rosie's handiwork.

The blonde scoffed mildly offended at the idea of desecrating a vehicle "I'd never disrespect a car that way" Bella raised an eyebrow at the scoff.

"Uh huh .. I'm sure.... I saw you glare daggers into that orange Chevy truck though"

"Bella that's not a truck it's a accident waiting to happen , it's .. no .. whoever worked on it needs to be put into a psych ward"

Bella stiffened slightly, it was the first time she casually brought up Jacob for a while, the memory didn't sting as much as Wednesday but it stung regardless. She tried to appear unaffected by the vampires' comment.

"Hmm I think Jacob was the one who did the work" she answered. Turning away from Rosalie, she didn't need to see the vampires' face to know there was a tinge of sympathy before it changed to anger. She might've not told Rose everything Jacob said but from the few highlights she gave Rose could figure the rest out. To say the vampire was pissed would be a gross understatement—because Bella knew a few trees that would disagree.. to stop herself from going across the border the vampire destroyed a healthy part of the back woods in the Cullens property.

A cold marble hand slipped into her own. Rosalie's next words brought a genuine smile to the enchantress's face. "Yes then he definitely belongs in a psych ward after all he threw away an amazing sister, he must be certifiably insane"

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