Do you really want to drive that?

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Previously on We started over:

' no can't be' she shakes 'then how the hell did I get a sudden onset bout of Heterochromia'

"That doesn't sound like you"

"It's not like I was going to hide it anyway—they should know that Bella's mine"


The day passed slowly for Bella, the teachers had been a pests each asking Bella to remove her sunglasses when she clearly stated that she had a headache and the fluorescent lighting worsened it.

She managed to get away with it for today without a note but she was sure they would be making sure tomorrow.

Mike and Angela were her saving grace they cheered her up, Mike even sneaking her snacks each class they had together, her hangover subsided by the second period already, but the snacks filled up her empty stomach she knew she ate a lot but she's been eating much more than usual.

On her way to lunch she bumped into Alice she didn't see the tiny vampire to caught up about thinking been about getting Jacobs truck back from the warehouse before billy found something fishy.

"Ooomph" she mumbled , glancing down she saw the cold pale wall she walked into nearly knocking the pixie off her feet literally—she caught her by her shoulders just in time to prevent what would've a very unexplainable dent in the floors of the school.

"Alice if you wanted me to hold you all you had to is ask" she quipped holding the vampire steady around her shoulders —she heard the girl wince from the impact but ignored it surly it didn't hurt that much right?.

"Tsk you giant oaf!  look where you're walking"she admonished

"Ouch and here I thought we were friends"She teased, she saw the smile curl up on the tiny vampires lips.

"We are...... but you did an incredibly stupid thing yesterday so I'm not talking to you and I'm angry at you" Bella rolled her eyes and turned the girl in the direction of the lunch room.

"Two things : Now I know that's a lie because you're talking to me right now" she counted off on her fingers " and two? You left your family to come look for me since you know what my last class is , and you were walking in that direction" motioning with her head "now really sweetheart you know I love you and all but we've both got incredible partners so no I can't go under the bleachers to make out, I just can't do that to My peanut" she said with a amused smirk.

Alice rolled her eyes ignoring the last comment but she couldn't argue with Bella's logic because okay yes, she was on her way to find the girl but the enchantress  had been lost in her own world and didn't see her and then bumped into her. She couldn't lie even though her own body was as dense as every other vampire out there Bella's own felt like walking into steel.

"Hmmph." She replied immaturely.

"Alice" Alice relented , she knew she came to see Bella for a reason .. she looked up to the girl who wore a curious expression. She pulled her by the hand, leading them away from the cafeteria doors.

"Hey ? Why are going outside? I'm hungry..." she whined but let herself be pulled by the tiny vampire.

Once they were outside she felt the cold air on her skin, it felt oddly refreshing better than Alice's cold hand in her own. She looked up to the skies , the perpetual cloud clover in forks were truly a blessing to the vampires she mused. That thought reminded her of  the spell she was been working on—well before the entire James thing she wanted to do something that would allow Rosalie walk out in the sun without worrying about her skin reflecting like diamonds. 

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