Passive aggresivia

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Bella cried herself to sleep, Rosalie easily transferred through girl into her bed—after managing to clean Bella up or remove the soiled sweats and cleaned the muddy feet. She remained standing in the doorway watching the enchantress sleep curled into a ball. It had been a few hours since the girl was asleep.

Her cellphone buzzed in her pocket, she answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Rosalie" said the familiar voice of her 'twin'

Rosalie left the room closing the door slightly.

"Jasper, what is it?" She asked coming down the stairs to clean up a bit more. She sighed as she stared at the broken glass on the floor.

"How is she?" He asked concerned, Rosalie would've smiled at his concern for his best friend apparently.

Rosalie picked up the glass and dumped it into the trash can as she kept the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"She came back from somewhere a few minutes after  I let myself in—we couldn't get hold of her because she left her cellphone and car keys here. I don't know where she went but when she came back she was filthy—she went somewhere barefoot." She paused.

"She isn't too good and .. I don't know how to make her feel better Jazz" she said with a sad sigh "she's been drinking so much—didn't even know which day it was" she said.

Jasper hummed on the phone "she's going through a difficult time.. remember everyone grieves in different ways... the drinking had always been something Bella did —but in terms of where she was , I think I might have an idea"

Rosalie looked up to the room, she listened carefully for any movement but only heard the girls light snores.

"Where?" She questioned.

"What was the reason Bella's dad .. died?"

"Shock, and stress on his heart, is what Carlisle said. But before ...." she trailed off, her widened at the conclusion.

" Sam" she breathed quietly, The blonde vampires eyes closed and inhaled a calming breath.

"You think .." she said softly

Jasper pursed his lips while waiting at the border "that's what we're about to find out... Rosalie even if she did this changes nothing—she is your mate and she is my sister, I will never let them try and put the blame on her okay" he said reassuringly.

Rosalie nodded her head like her 'twin' could see it "yeah ... keep me updated Jasper please" she murmured before clicking off the phone.

A small sigh left her lips "Bella what have you done?" She whispered into the air.. she didn't notice footsteps on the stairs.

"I didn't kill him" answered Bella staring at the vampire who looked surprised at Bella's appearance.

"How do you feel?" Asked Rosalie

Bella chuckled dryly "what ? No 3rd degree about my activities earlier today?"

"Do you want to talk about it? Or are you trying to deflect my question?" Bella smiled a small smile.

"Answering a question with another is counterproductive" replied the enchantress smartly before going into the kitchen and grabbing her a bottle of water ..

"But to answer your question I feel like absolute shit" she replied honestly

Rosalie leaned against the doorway as she watched the enchantress nurse a hangover "that's what happens when you drink every drop of alcohol in your home" she replied with a small smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

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